axisFormat %H:%M section Check Local Registry Build Image : done, des1, 2023-04-01, 0, 1h Check for Image: active, des2, after des1, 30m section Build Process Use Local Image: des3, after des2, 1h Copy Files: des4, after des3, 30m Start Service: des5, after des4, 30m 6. ...
I am building an image for a docker container running on a different architecture. As I don’t have internet access all the time, I usually just pull the image when I have internet and docker uses the local image instead …
ONBUILD RUN /usr/local/bin/python-build --dir /app/src [...] 如果基于 image-A 创建新的镜像时,新的 Dockerfile 中使用 FROM image-A 指定基础镜像,会自动执行 ONBUILD 指令的内容,等价于在后面添加了两条指令: FROM image-A #Automatically run the following ADD . /app/src RUN /usr/local/bin/...
To use the default value of an ARGdeclared before the first FROMuse an ARG instruction without a value inside of a build stage. ARG VERSION=latest FROM busybox:$VERSION ARG VERSION RUN echo $VERSION > image_version 2. RUN instruction The RUNinstruction will execute any commands in a new ...
Hi, It may be a stupid question but … I’m trying to build an image from my local computer and create the images to a local VM. I’ve created a docker context like this: > docker context create multipass --description "M…
Dockerfile 是一个文本文件,其内包含了一条条的指令(Instruction),每一条指令构建一层,因此每一条指令的内容,就是描述该层应当如何构建。有了 Dockerfile,当我们需要定制自己额外的需求时,只需在 Dockerfile 上添加或者修改指令,重新生成 image 即可,省去了敲命令的麻烦。
比如我们可以从nginx镜像中直接拷贝配置文件,对应选项中的image COPY --from=nginx:latest /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /nginx.conf 1. 我们还可以从多段构建中拷贝文件,对应选项中的stage。 下面是官网中一个多段构建的dockefile,在基础镜像alpine中使用clang编译了hello.c的程序,随后将这个程序的可执行文件移动到一个...
FROM:指定基于哪个镜像 格式:FROM < image >或者FROM < image >:< tag > ,如: FROMcentos;FROM centos:latest MAINTAINER:指定作者信息 格式:MAINTAINER < name及联系方式 >,如: MAINTAINER RUN:镜像操作指令 格式:RUN < commond >或者RUN [ "executable","param1","param2" ],如...
To build a container image using the Dockerfile example from theprevious section, you use thedocker buildcommand: $docker build -t test:latest . The-t test:latestoption specifies the name and tag of the image. The single dot (.) at the end of the command sets thebuild contextto the cu...