如Tomcat 容器内使用的端口 8081,则用 EXPOSE 命令可以告诉外界该容器的 8081 端口对外,在构建镜像时用 Docker run -p 可以设置暴露的端口对宿主机器端口的映射。 EXPOSE 8081 EXPOSE 8081 其实等价于 Docker run -p 8081 当需要把 8081 端口映射到宿主机中的某个端口(如8888)以便外界访问时,则可以用 Docker ...
Docker sees the initial and modified instructions as identical and reuses the cache from previous steps. As a result theapt-get updateisnotexecuted because the build uses the cached version. Because theapt-get updateis not run, your build can potentially get an outdated version of thecurlandngi...
RUN /bin/bash -c 'source $HOME/.bashrc; echo $HOME RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"] 注意:多行命令不要写多个RUN,原因是Dockerfile中每一个指令都会建立一层. RUN书写时的换行符是\ 多少个RUN就构建了多少层镜像,会造成镜像的臃肿、多层,不仅仅增加了构件部署的时间,还容易出错。 CMD 功...
This makes it easier to use with longer commands, because it lets you split them up into multiple lines. For example, consider these two lines: RUN source $HOME/.bashrc && \ echo $HOME They're equivalent to the following line: RUN source $HOME/.bashrc && echo $HOME You can also use...
RUN net user /add patrick # Set it for subsequent commands USER patrick 十九、MAINTAINER MAINTAINER指令设置生成镜像的作者。如: MAINTAINER <name> 原文翻自官方文档: docs.docker.com/engine/ 欢迎大家关注我,更多Linux干货等着你! http://weixin.qq.com/r/MR2-p-bElavqrbLE90gj (二维码自动识别)编辑...
$ docker build -t test/myapp .Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kBError response from daemon: Unknown instruction: RUNCMDDocker守护程序以Dockerfile一对一的方式运行指令,如有必要,将每个指令的结果提交到新映像,然后最终输出新映像的ID。Docker守护程序将自动清理您发送的上下文。
a trick I learned recently is that you can use subshells to run multiple commands and you don't need to use \ to put multiple lines. I think this should work with docker run but I didn't test it yet: docker run {CONTAINER_TAG} /bin/bash -c '( ( cd / git clone https://githu...
Commands to update the image # 镜像操作指令RUNecho"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main universe">>/etc/apt/sources.listRUNapt-get update&&apt-get install-y nginxRUNecho"\ndaemon off;">>/etc/nginx/nginx.conf# Commands when creating a new containerCMD/usr/sbin/nginx# 容器...
that label-values can span multiple lines." USER 设置用户名(或UID)和可选设置用户组(或GID),用于运行镜像及RUN、CMD、ENTRYPOINT命令。 格式: USER <user>[:<group>] USER <UID>[:<GID>] 描述: 1)可以直接指定用户名或所属组名,也可以指定UID或GID。
RUN Executes any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the result.RUNalso has a shell form for running commands. WORKDIR <directory>Sets the working directory for anyRUN,CMD,ENTRYPOINT,COPY, andADDinstructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. COPY <src...