runoob@runoob:~$ docker run -it nginx:latest /bin/bash root@b8573233d675:/# Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] 02. 03. -d, --detach=false 指定容器运行于前台还是后台,默认为false 04. -i, --interactive=false 打开STDIN,用于控制台交互 05. -t, --tty=false 分配tty...
选项-it告诉Docker分配一个连接到容器stdin的伪终端,从而在容器中创建一个交互式bash shell。示例通过输入exit 13来退出bash shell,将退出码传递给docker run的调用者,并记录在test容器的元数据中。 执行结果: root@d6c0fe130dba:/# exit 13 echo $? 13 docker ps -a | grep test d6c0fe130dba debian:7 ...
-i, --interactive 将当前shell的 STDIN连接到容器上# 命令演示:docker ps -a docker start -a 65ebc docker start test-container2 4.3 容器创建并启动 – docker run # 作用:利用镜像创建并启动一个容器# 命令格式:docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]# 命令参数(OPTIONS):查看更多-t, --...
如第一条直接进入bash,说明镜像的最后一条CMD或者ENTRYPOINT就是bash,直接安装记录Dockerfile就可以了 如第二条进入bash,说明镜像安装了bash,但是最后一条CMD或者ENTRYPOINT是其他程序。 如:docker run -ti appelgriebsch/alpine -t, --tty=false 使用终端。经常和 -i一起使用。 -i, --interactive=false 打开STD...
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash <imagename> This will start an interactive shell in your container instead of executing yourCMD. Your container will exit as soon as you exit that shell. If you want your container to remain active, you have to ensure that yourCMDkeeps running....
This is if you remove the entrypoint section from the dockerfile and want to run an interactive shell with the docker run commands posted above. dhowell(Dhowell)April 2, 2020, 1:25pm20 I am using the debian:buster-slim image and it certainly has bash installed. Which debian were you us...
#docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/travis/restic restic/test go run run_integration_tests.go -minio minio # #run interactively: #docker run --interactive --tty --rm -v $PWD:/home/travis/restic restic/test /bin/bash # #run a subset of tests: ...
$docker run -it --name interactiveimage baeldungimageroot@18781222594f:/# echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/etc/profileCopy Once in the shell session, we printed thePATH.We can see that/etc/profilewas appended, confirming that our.bashrcfile has...
This is if you remove the entrypoint section from the dockerfile and want to run an interactive shell with the docker run commands posted above. dhowell anandvyas13 Apr 2020 I am using the debian:buster-slim image and it certainly has bash installed. Which debian were you using that di...
#基于nginx:1.17.9镜像构建 FROM nginx:1.17.9 #指定信息 LABEL maintainer="" #设置环境变量 ENV NGINX_VERSION 1.17.9 ARG work_pwd=/data/html/ #切换root用户 USER root #执行命令,安装curl软件,设置软链接把nginx服务的日志显示到终端输出 RUN apt-get -yq update && apt-get install...