docker build -t XXX --file Dockerfile /full/path/to/directory/containing/the/given/dockerfile I got this error: The Dockerfile (Dockerfile) must be within the build context (/full/path/to/directory/containing/the/given/dockerfile/) I have to give full path to the filename, i.e.: doc...
[root@localhost opt]# docker build -f Dockerfile02 -t test:2.0 . ... #在其他目录构建报错 [root@localhost home]# docker build -f /opt/Dockerfile02 -t test:3.0 . unable to prepare context: The Dockerfile (/opt/Dockerfile02) must be within the build context (.) #Dockerfile必须在构...
Dockerfile is. If you saydocker build contextdir, the Dockerfile must be atcontextdir/Dockerfile. If you have it in, say,./Dockerfileinstead, it will not be found. If you are working onWindows 8, you would be using Docker toolbox. From themydockerbuilddirectory,...
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: kaniko spec: containers: - name: kaniko image: args: - "--dockerfile=<path to Dockerfile within the build context>" - "--context=gs://<GCS bucket>/<path to .tar.gz>" - "--destination=<$PROJE...
Dockerfile.Dockerfile是一个文本文档,其中包含用户可以在命令行上调用以组装 image 的所有命令。使用docker buildDockerfile. 阅读完本页后,请参阅Dockerfile最佳实践以获取面向提示的指南。 一、用法 Dockerfile和 context构建 image。构建的上下文是指定位置的文件集PATH或URL。这PATH是本地文件系统上的目录。这URL是...
docker build 命令从Dockerfile和 context构建 image。构建的上下文是指定位置的文件集PATH或URL。这PATH是本地文件系统上的目录。这URL是一个 Git 存储库位置。 构建上下文是递归处理的。因此,PATH包括任何子目录,并且URL包括存储库及其子模块。此示例显示了一个使用当前目录 (.) 作为构建上下文的构建命令: ...
Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - Build an image from a Dockerfile --build-arg=[] Set build-time variables --cpu-shares CPU shares (relative weight) --cgroup-parent Optional parent cgroup for the container --cpu-period Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period -...
build --no-cache -f $PWD/dockerfiles/Dockerfile $PWD/context unable to prepare context: the Dockerfile (/Users/sebastiaan/projects/test/dockerfile-outside/myproject/dockerfiles/Dockerfile) must be within the build context After this change: $ mkdir -p myproject/context myproject/dockerfiles ...
Howver,convention is for them to be UPPERCASE to distinguish them from arguments more easily Docker runs instructions in a Dockerfile in order The first instruction must be `FROM` in order to specify the Base Image from which you are building ...
Docker runs instructions in the order in which they are listed in the Dockerfile. The first instruction and the first non-comment line in a Dockerfilemust beFROMin order to specify the base image from which you will start building your new image. The instruction is entered in the following...