RUNif [ -e /path/to/file ]; then echo"File exists"; else echo"File does not exist"; fi 1. 这行代码的意思是,如果文件/path/to/file存在,则输出"File exists",否则输出"File does not exist"。 步骤2:输出文件存在信息 如果文件存在,可以使用以下命令来输出文件存在信息: RUNecho"File exists" 1...
if [ "$1" = 'redis-server' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then chown -R redis . exec su-exec redis "$0" "$@" fi exec "$@" 该脚本的内容就是根据CMD的内容来判断,如果是redis-server的话,则切换到redis用户身份启动服务器,否则依旧使用root身份执行。比如: $ docker run -it redis id ui...
if["$1"='redis-server'-a"$(id -u)"='0'];then chown -R redis . execsu-exec redis"$0""$@" fi exec"$@" 该脚本的内容就是根据CMD的内容来判断,如果是redis-server的话,则切换到redis用户身份启动服务器,否则依旧使用root身份执行。比如: $ docker run -it redis id uid=0(root) gid=0(r...
[root@localhost ~]# docker run -it --rm --name test chai/centos-http-net /bin/bash [root@50da58a03736 /]# ifconfig # 命令可以运行即成功 1. 2. 镜像构建过程 在构建命令执行时输出的一大堆信息中,是执行Dockerfile中的每一行,最关键的几行信息如下 Step 1/5 : FROM centos # 调用centos -...
Before the docker CLI sends the context to the docker daemon, it looks for a file named.dockerignorein the root directory of the context. If this file exists, the CLI modifies the context to exclude files and directories that match patterns in it. This helps to avoid unnecessarily sending la...
Write-intensive applications, such as database storage, are impacted by a performance overhead, particularly if pre-existing data exists in the read-only layer Docker使用存储驱动程序存储图像层,并将数据存储在容器的可写层中。删除容器后,容器的可写层不会持续存在,但适用于存储在运行时生成的短暂数据。
[root@localhost~]# docker run-it--rm--name test chai/centos-http-net/bin/bash[root@50da58a03736/]# ifconfig # 命令可以运行即成功 镜像构建过程 在构建命令执行时输出的一大堆信息中,是执行Dockerfile中的每一行,最关键的几行信息如下 代码语言:javascript ...
大家好,我是极智视界,本文分享一下 gpu docker启动报错 file exists: unknown 的解决方法。 邀您加入我的知识星球「极智视界」,星球内有超多好玩的项目实战源码和资源下载,链接: 困扰了两天的问题,记录一下 ...
- What I did This fix tries to address issues in #23221 where Dockerfile or .dockerignore may consists of UTF-8 BOM. This likely happens when Notepad tries to save a file as UTF-8 in Windows. - How...
So I have a bit of an issue. I'm trying to create something that once ran will check if the file it's trying to save as exists, if it exists then it renames the existing file its number +1, and what i... CSS padding before content ...