CMD ["x11vnc", "-forever", "-usepw", "-create"] # Multiple images example # # VERSION 0.1 FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo > bar # Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736f FROM ubuntu RUN echo moo > oink # Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4 # You᾿ll now have two...
FROM <image>:<tag> FROM <image>:<digest> 1. 2. 3. 三种写法,其中 < tag>和< digest> 是可选项,如果没有选择,那么默认值为latest; 尽量使用官方的image作为base image; 如果不以任何镜像为基础,那么写法为:FROM scratch; FROM可以在一个Dockerfile中出现多次,以便于创建混合的images。 2. LABEL 镜像指...
EXPOSE5900CMD ["x11vnc","-forever","-usepw","-create"]#Multiple images example# #VERSION 0.1FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo>bar#Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736fFROM ubuntu RUN echo moo>oink#Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4#You᾿ll now have two images, 907ad6c27...
LABEL version="1.0" LABEL description="This text illustrates that label-values can span multiple lines." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3、MAINTAINER 作者信息,写在FROM后,指明该镜像的作者和其电子邮件,这个不是必须的项,而且官网显示将弃用 MAINTAINER zzf "" 1. 4、COPY 将主机的文件复制到...
# Multiple images example # # VERSION 0.1 FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo > bar # Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736f FROM ubuntu RUN echo moo > oink # Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4 # You᾿ll now have two images, 907ad6c2736f with /bar, and 695d7793cbe4 ...
# Set multiple labels at once,using line-continuation characters tobreaklong linesLABELvendor=ACME\ Incorporated \ version=1.1\ com.example.version="0.0.1-beta"\ com.example.release-date="2015-02-12" 3)MAINTAINER - 维护者信息 代码语言:javascript ...
Docker Dockerfile按顺序运行指令。一个Dockerfile 必须用`FROM`指令开始。这可能在解析器指令,注释和全局范围的 ARG之后。该FROM指令指定要从中构建父图像。FROM 只能在一个或多个ARG指令之前,这些指令声明在中的FROM行中使用的参数Dockerfile。 码头工人把该行开始与#一个评论,除非该行是一个有效的解析器指令。#...
# Multiple images example # #VERSION 0.1 FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo > bar # Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736f FROM ubuntu RUN echo moo > oink # Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4 # You᾿ll now have two images, 907ad6c2736f with /bar, and 695d7793cbe4 wit...
# Multiple images example # # VERSION 0.1 FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo > bar # Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736f FROM ubuntu RUN echo moo > oink # Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4 # You᾿ll now have two images, 907ad6c2736f with /bar, and 695d7793cbe4 ...
ARG is the only instruction that may precede FROM in the Dockerfile. See Understand how ARG and FROM interact. FROM can appear multiple times within a single Dockerfile to create multiple images or use one build stage as a dependency for another. Simply make a note of the last image ID ...