services:postgresql:...volumes: -/host/dir/to/conf:/srv/conf-/host/dir/to/data:/srv/data-/host/dir/to/log:/var/log... 注意:应用需要使用的子目录会自动创建。 $ docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d colovu/postgres:12.4 ...
# 加入新的编译任务, 从 all_images 中挑一个镜像 for image_name in ${!all_images[@]}; do # 是否还有 worker 可用 if [ ${#runnings[@]} -ge ${workers} ]; then break fi # 父镜像是否已编译 parent_image_name=${depends[${image_name}]} # 父镜像失败则本镜像失败 for i in ${errors...
1-1.pgdg80+1 RUN echo 'deb jessie-pgdg main' $PG_MAJOR > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y postgresql-common \ && sed -ri 's/#(create_main_cluster) .*$/\1 = false/' /etc/postgresql-c...
PostgreSQL DockerFile General debajyoti(Debajyoti)February 5, 2016, 1:15pm1 I am writing DockerFile for PostgreSQL. The image is building successfully, but container not able to start up saying not able to access the pg_hba.conf file,no such file. I am providing data directory with -D ...
docker run --name postgresql -itd --restart always \ --env 'DB_USER=dbuser' --env 'DB_PASS=dbuserpass' \ sameersbn/postgresql:15-20230628 Notes The created user can login remotely The container will error out if a password is not specified for the user No changes will be made if the...
使用docker-compose安装Postgresql 14,pgadmin4并进行简单的使用。 1. 安装 1.1 docker-compose.ymal version: "3.5" services: postgres: container_name: pg14 image: postgres:14 environment: POSTGRES_USER: pg14 POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 123456 PGDATA: /data/postgres ...
把里面的容器名和密码改成你自己要设置的,就可以运行postgres容器了,设置完毕之后可以用pgAdmin或navicate或者其他能连接postgresql的工具连接看看。 最后,docker ps -a检查一下,看看该容器是否运行起来。 注意,如果部署在服务器上可能需要设置安全组(类似于防火墙)将端口暴露给外网,来让外网访问那台服务器上某个端口上...
Docker Composefor Docker command and tried to use Dockerfile and Docker Compose file deploy app in debian droplet not app platform because of cost consideration. however, it is succesful in local but errored in cloud. I believe it is becuase the PostgreSQL database ...
# 指定基础镜像FROM sameersbn/ubuntu:14.04.20161014# 维护者信息MAINTAINER 设置环境变量ENV PG_APP_HOME="/etc/docker-postgresql"\ PG_VERSION=9.5 \ PG_USER=postgres \ PG_HOME=/var/lib/postgresql \ PG_RUNDIR=/run/postgresql \ ...
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'orthanc', 'HOST': 'db', 'PORT': 5432, 'USER': 'lkidti', 'PASSWORD': '4a53e4f5c42fd5a31890860b204472c5' } } 4. docker-compose的指令 (1)image 如果本地有镜像, 直接用本地镜像; 如果没有, 采用dockerhub的。