The problem is that using poetry shell before running the python command will spawn an interactive shell thus blocking the container run whereas trying to activate the virtual environment like above I get the following error: docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for co...
/poetry.lock /root RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache python3-dev \ gcc \ musl-dev \ libpq-dev RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip \ && pip install --upgrade poetry \ && poetry config virtualenvs.create false \ && poetry lock --no-update \ && poetry install --no-roo...
Files main .github audio_separator tests tools .gitignore Dockerfile.cpu Dockerfile.cuda11 Dockerfile.cuda12 Dockerfile.runpod-cuda11 Dockerfile.runpod-cuda12 LICENSE README.md TODO.md environment.yml poetry.lock pyproject.toml pytest.iniBreadcrumbs python-audio-separator / Dockerfile.cuda11 ...
UID and GID build arguments for worker user a88d79f POETRY_EXTRAS build argument with default values 42048f6 Copy Makefile for make ingest command 17f0c60 Do NOT copy markdown files … 53f8cc7 Fix PYTHONPATH value 9b28cb7 Set home directory to /home/worker when creating user Veri...
RUN if [ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fiCOPY pyproject.toml /root/COPY poetry.lock /root/WORKDIR /rootENV PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=trueENV VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1ENV PATH=$PATH:/root/.local/bin...
production复制构建完毕后的文件并且启动服务 如果你不需要在本地环境使用docker启动你的Nestjs应用,可以把前两个阶段合二为一 上述多阶段设置的好处在于,这样你就有了一个可以在本地开发中使用的Dockerfile(与docker-compose组合在一起)。同时创建一个用于生产的优化Docker镜像。
您的合成文件中的build:参数不正确。build: . -f Dockerfile无效。当此键是字符串时,它认为整个字符...
by using pip-tools, poetry, or uv. Problem #3: Changes to source code invalidate the build cache If you want fast builds, you want to rely on Docker’s layer caching. But by copying in the file before running pip install, all later layers are invalidated—this image will be rebuilt ...