If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required. For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org. Commercial support is available at nginx.com. Thank you for using nginx. 4. Nginx目录结构与配置文件 === 4.1 Ngin...
/var/log/nginx:日志文件所在路径 # 可通过whereis nginx命令查看: nginx: /usr/sbin/nginx /usr/lib64/nginx /etc/nginx /usr/share/nginx /usr/share/man/man3/nginx.3pm.gz /usr/share/man/man8/nginx.8.gz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf #修改以下内容 1. server { lis...
[root@docker201.yinzhengjie.org.cn/yinzhengjie/softwares/dockerfile/web/nginx]#catindex.htmlYinZhengjie's Nginx Web Server[root@docker201.yinzhengjie.org.cn /yinzhengjie/softwares/dockerfile/web/nginx]# [root@docker201.yinzhengjie.org.cn/yinzhengjie/softwares/dockerfile/web/nginx]#catindex2020.ht...
[root@docker server]# cd file/ [root@docker file]# vim Dockerfile [root@docker file]# cat Dockerfile #构建容器的基础镜像 FROM centos:centos7.7.1908 #容器镜像作者信息 MAINTAINER leoheng #添加URL下载的压缩包到当前目录 ADD http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz . ...
构建nginx镜像: 创建一个目录,在该目录里编写dockerfile: 1 2 3 4 5 [root@docker ~]# mkdir mynginx [root@docker ~]# cd mynginx/ [root@docker mynginx]# pwd /root/mynginx [root@docker mynginx]# 下载nginx源码包到创建的目录下(mynginx目录下): ...
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; } 3.2 default.conf 进入conf.d目录下面发现只有一个default.conf配置文件,默认default.conf的内容是这样的。 server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name localhost; #access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; ...
Dockerfile to build an NGINX web server with basic LDAP auth, SSL and proxy support. Perfect for Docker registry authentication. - GitHub - nosinovacao/nginx: Dockerfile to build an NGINX web server with basic LDAP auth, SSL and proxy support. Perfect f
If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required. For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org. Commercial support is available at nginx.com. Thank you for using nginx. 这样!Nginx镜像就构建成功了!
The HEALTHCHECK instruction tells Docker how to test a container to check that it's still working. This can detect cases such as a web server stuck in an infinite loop and unable to handle new connections, even though the server process is still running. ...