a. 首先是在官方文档中找到了存放httpd配置文件的位置/usr/local/apache2/httpd.conf: b. 然后启动一个httpd容器: c. 将容器中的/usr/local/apache2/httpd.conf拷贝到当前工作目录下,使用指令docker cp 容器ID:容器内文件目录 主机目录: d. 使用gedit或vim打开httpd.conf文件,在Listen 80下方添加监听所要暴露...
webdevops/php:8.3 webdevops/php-dev:8.0 webdevops/php-dev:8.1 webdevops/php-dev:8.2 webdevops/php-dev:8.3 webdevops/php-apache:8.0 webdevops/php-apache:8.1 webdevops/php-apache:8.2 webdevops/php-apache:8.3 webdevops/php-apache-dev:8.0 ...
#RUN指令时对镜像执行跟随的命令,每运行一条RUN指令,镜像添加新的一层并提交;RUNecho"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main uiverse">>/etc/apt/source.listRUNapt-het update&&apt-getinstall-y nginx \ net-tools mysql-server="${MYSQL_VERSION}"RUNecho"\ndaemon off;">>/etc/nginx/ng...
--build-arg <参数名>=<值># 构建镜像的几种方式:#1) 指定的Dockfile所在路径为/tmp/docker_builder$dockerbuild -t [TAG/version] /tmp/docker_builder#2) 支持从 URL 构建$dockerbuild https://github.com/twang2218/gitlab-ce-zh.git#:11.1#3) 用给定的 tar 压缩包构建$dockerbuild http://server/...
During containerization, most Docker containers bundle with an operating system, a runtime environment, web server software like Nginx or Apache, and your application code to run your web server. This provides a uniform portable environment for your web server and can be ported and executed ...
The HEALTHCHECK instruction tells Docker how to test a container to check that it's still working. This can detect cases such as a web server stuck in an infinite loop and unable to handle new connections, even though the server process is still running. ...
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 RUN powershell -command Expand-Archive -Path c:\apache.zip -DestinationPath c:\ REST 呼叫 從Web 服務收集資訊或檔案時,PowerShell 的Invoke-WebRequestCmdlet 很有用。 例如,如果您建置包含 Python 的映射,您可以將 設定$ProgressPreference為SilentlyContinue...
CMD /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.5.42/bin/startup.sh && tail -f /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.5.42/logs/catalina.out cmc命令的三种格式 CMD ["executable","param1","param2"] (exec格式)CMD ["param1","param2"] (参数列表格式,作为ENTRYPOINT的默认参数)CMD command param1 param2 (shell格式)#...
一、扫雷案例 1、所需软件包和环境 Centos-7.repo epel-7.repo saolei.zip server1:部署docker扫雷案例 server2:部署apache,将saolei.zip软件包上传上去 2、编辑Dockerfile,使用基础镜像centos:7 3、构建镜像saolei:v1 4、运行容器,指定映射端口8081:8080,容器名为自己名字的全拼 5、使用浏览器访问http://自己...
For example, for the image that provides the Apache web service, use EXPOSE 80; while for the image that provides the MongoDB service, use EXPOSE 27017. For external access, use a flag to indicate how to map a specified port to the selected port during the execution of the docker run ...