然后点击右边的设置,Add进行配置,还是进入system interpreter,需要注意的是在Pycharm中选择错了anaconda的...
# 列出所有虚拟环境 conda env list # 创建虚拟环境 conda create -n name python=3.6 # 删除...
conda create -n myenv python=3.8:创建一个名为myenv的新环境,并指定使用 Python 版本为3.8。 conda activate myenv:激活刚刚创建的环境。 conda install numpy pandas:在该环境中安装numpy和pandas库。 2. 导出 Conda 环境的依赖清单 # 导出当前环境的依赖包列表condaenvexport>environment.yml 1. 2. conda e...
编写Dockerfile 现在,我们可以编写Dockerfile,用于在Docker容器中重新创建conda环境。以下是一个示例的Dockerfile: # 设置基础镜像FROMcontinuumio/miniconda3:latest# 复制环境配置文件到工作目录COPYenvironment.yml /app/environment.yml# 创建conda环境RUNconda env create -f /app/environment.yml# 激活conda环境SHELL[...
FROM continuumio/miniconda3 WORKDIR /workdir # Create the environment: #COPY environment.yml . COPY . . RUN conda env create -f environment.yml RUN pw
ENV PATH="/miniconda/bin:$PATH"# create the conda environment and set as default RUN conda env create -f /fieldbioinformatics/environment.yml &&\echo "source activate artic" > /etc/bash.bashrc &&\ cd /fieldbioinformatics/ &&\ python setup.py install# get field bioinformatics repo...
# Create user and setup environment ENV APPUSER="appuser" ENV HOME=/home/$APPUSER RUN useradd -m -u 1000 $APPUSER USER $APPUSER WORKDIR $HOME ENV ENV_NAME="diffdock" ENV DIR_NAME="ligbind" # Copy the Conda environment and application code from the builder stage COPY --from=builder...
conda environment of the# base image. If you prefer to create and use a different conda environment# from scratch, set DSX_KERNEL_CONDENV to the name of that environment.## The conda environment should be changed with user and group "wsbuild".# In each layer, call fix-conda-permissions ...
If you prefer to create and use a different conda environment # from scratch, set DSX_KERNEL_CONDENV to the name of that environment. # # The conda environment should be changed with user and group "wsbuild". # In each layer, call fix-conda-permissions to ensure group write permission,...
FROM public.ecr.aws/sagemaker/sagemaker-distribution:latest-cpu ARG NB_USER="sagemaker-user" ARG NB_UID=1000 ARG NB_GID=100 ENV MAMBA_USER=$NB_USER USER root RUN apt-get update RUN micromamba install sagemaker-inference --freeze-installed --yes --channel conda-forge --name base USER $MAM...