使用以下命令将文件从主机复制到容器中: docker cp file.txt my_container:/path/to/container 1. 这行代码的作用是将名为file.txt的文件复制到名为my_container的容器中的/path/to/container目录下。 至此,我们已经完成了整个流程。希望这篇文章能够帮助你顺利实现“docker run copy file from host to container...
I would like tocopymytest-file.txtto/usrdirectory inside the running docker container. Let's check the path where we want to copy the file. Copy file to /usr directory inside docker container 3. Run the docker cp command to copy the fileNow we know thecontainer-idas well as thedestinati...
Examples of using COPY with Windows The following example adds the contents of the source directory to a directory namedsqllitein the container image: Dockerfile COPYsource/sqlite/ The following example will add all files that begin with config to thec:\tempdirectory of the container image: ...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/3 : FROM microsoft/nanoserver ---> 22738ff49c6d Step 2/3 : COPY testfile.txt c:\ ---> 96655de338de Removing intermediate container 4db9acbb1682 Step 3/3 : RUN dir c:\ ---> Running in a2c157f842f5 Volume in drive C has...
# Commands when creating anewcontainer CMD/usr/sbin/nginx 其中,一开始必须指明所基于的镜像名称,接下来一般是说明维护者信息。后面则是镜像操作指令,例如 RUN 指令,RUN 指令将对镜像执行跟随的命令。每运行一条 RUN 指令,镜像就添加新的一层,并提交。最后是 CMD 指令,用来指定运行容器时的操作命令。
WORKDIR /path/to/workdir 通过WORKDIR设置工作目录后,Dockerfile 中其后的命令 RUN、CMD、ENTRYPOINT、ADD、COPY 等命令都会在该目录下执行。 如,使用WORKDIR设置工作目录: WORKDIR /a WORKDIR b WORKDIR c RUN pwd 在以上示例中,pwd 最终将会在/a/b/c目录中执行。在使用 docker run 运行容器时,可以通过-w参数...
COPY --from=build target/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war # docker build -t demo:v1 . # docker container run -d -v demo:v1 # 首先,第一个FROM 后边多了个 AS 关键字,可以给这个阶段起个名字。 # 然后,第二部分FROM用的我们上面构建的Tomcat镜像,COPY关键字增加了—from参数,用于拷...
Step-by-step tutorial on how to create a folder in a Docker container, then copy the WideWorldImporters sample database from your local file system to the Docker container.If you need to restore a database backup file to a SQL Server instance that's running inside a Docker container (for...
Sending buildcontexttoDocker daemon2.56kB Step1/6: FROM nginx---> c82521676580Step2/6:LABELauthor="作者:oKong"---> Running in 81eb0dc40699Removing intermediate container81eb0dc40699---> 4d2799492a09Step3/6:LABELversion="版本:v0.1"---> Running in e4e0d6097baeRemoving intermediate container ...
Once we create the container, we can exit from the shell by running the “exit” command to drop back to the host shell. Copy a Single File into the Container To copy a single file into a container, we can use the relative or absolute paths. For example, suppose we wish to copy the...