docker pull scottyhardy/docker-remote-desktopTo run with an interactive bash session:docker run -it \ --rm \ --hostname="$(hostname)" \ --publish="3389:3389/tcp" \ --name="remote-desktop" \ scottyhardy/docker-remote-desktop:latest /bin/bash...
docker pull scottyhardy/docker-remote-desktop To run with an interactive bash session: docker run -it \ --rm \ --hostname="$(hostname)" \ --publish="3389:3389/tcp" \ --name="remote-desktop" \ scottyhardy/docker-remote-desktop:latest /bin/bash To start as a detached daemon: docker...
Docker的RemoteAPI需要手动开启,开启远程RemoveAPI允许我们在同网段下的其他主机(例如开发机器)上调用,实现对目标Docker的操作(例如开发人员将新的后台服务镜像推送到此机器)。 为何标题强调Docker-Desktop,因为和Linux环境下的配置有所区别,Windows(Win 10/11)环境下Docker想要启动RemoveAPI(2375端口)需要执行如下过程: D...
docker stop redis1docker rm redis1 1. 我们还下载了 redis 镜像,我们将在列表中看到它: docker image ls 1. 它只有 83MB,所以我们可能想要保留它,以便下次运行 Redis 容器时使用,但是如果我们确定不再需要它,我们可以删除该镜像来释放磁盘空间,并让我们回到之前的起点: docker image rm redis 1. 总结 如您...
I’m running Jenkins natively on Windows (not in a container). I installed the Docker plugin so that I can run some agents as docker containers. I already have Docker Desktop installed and working on the same machine. It …
Basically, I run Docker Desktop on my Windows 10 Desktop PC, which I want to use as my server running a linux docker cointainer (in which I want to develop/run server apps). Then I want to be able to connect from my Macbook to the remote docker host on windows to work and develop...
VScode insiders提供的Remote Development用起来真香, 但是remote containers extension依赖本地安装有docker cli, 官方文档是需要安装Docker Desktop来实现,感觉在Win上装这个东西有点鸡肋。 想了几个办法,都不尽如人意: 换linux不现实,还要在Win下干活 装个Linux VM+VScode insiders, 占资源 ...
How to add a remote Docker connection If your Docker server is running on the same machine you installed Docker Desktop, simply click Get Started to connect to that environment. If, however, your Docker server is remote, click Add Environments. In the resulting window (Figure D), click the...
Macの場合は「Microsoft Remote Desktop」、Linuxの場合は「FreeRDP」や「rdesktop」、「Remmina」などで接続してください。 接続方法は、リモートデスクトップクライアントを起動し、DockerホストのIP、およびdocker runで設定した接続ポート、ログインユーザ/パスワードでログインします。