构建命令:docker build -t docker-osx-vnc docker run --device dev/kvm --device dev/snd -p 8888:5999 -p 50922:10022 -d --privileged docker-osx-vnc:latest 本地VNC连接:localhost:8888 远程连接:remotehost:8888 1. 2....
快速启动 Docker-OSX 1 基本环境要求 虚拟化支持:确保您的CPU支持KVM,并在BIOS中启用虚拟化技术(Intel VT-x或AMD-V)。磁盘空间:至少需要20GB的磁盘空间,建议预留50GB以应对macOS和Xcode的需求。2 安装依赖 根据您的操作系统,安装必要的依赖项。例如,在Arch Linux上,您需要安装qemu、libvirt、dnsmasq、virt...
docker run -i \ --device /dev/kvm \ -p 50922:10022 \ -p 5999:5999 \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \ -e EXTRA="-display none -vnc,password=on" \ sickcodes/docker-osx:big-sur # type `change vnc password myvncusername` ... When I see qemu and change vnc password. How do I get out of this container. I use the quit command to exit the container, and the container will close automatically. When I try to restart the container, the...
Prepare nakedvnc for AddENV BOOT_ARGS=to supply ad… 4年前 Prepare nakedvnc for AddENV BOOT_ARGS=to supply ad… 4年前 Dockerfile.naked Prepare nakedvnc for AddENV BOOT_ARGS=to supply ad… ...
docker run -it \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # mount the X11 socket -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ # pass the display --device /dev/snd \ # sound --name spotify \ jess/spotify I am actually looking to pass the display and sound. Is it possible without using vnc or xquart...
Successfully sent 905640 bytes of data in 184.755151 ms (4.674758 MB/s) Boot successful, device address 10 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/mvnc/", line 147, in Open...
VNC version onlocalhost:8888(theVNC versionis in a separate directory due to the security risks involved with using VNC) Create an ARMY of the same exact container using docker commit Xfvb headless mode The project also includes instructions for various tweaks, like forwarding additional ports, ch...
docker run -i \ --device /dev/kvm \ -p 50922:10022 \ -p 5999:5999 \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \ -e EXTRA="-display none -vnc,password=on" \ sickcodes/docker-osx:big-sur # type `change vnc password myvncusername` in...
After pulling the helm files, I have updated the in the values.yaml file therepositoryfromsickcodes/docker-osx-vnc:latesttosickcodes/docker-osx:latest I have tried to add the following to the configmap.yaml file : # Start QEMU.. echo 'Starting QEMU..' ...