$wsl --list --verboseNAMESTATE VERSION*docker-desktop-data Running 2UbuntuRunning 2docker-desktopRunning 2 Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 我已经在我的机器上安装了 Docker Desktop。docker-desktop和docker-desktop-data我的 WSL 发行版有什么区别Ubuntu?不应Ubuntu选择作为我的 WSL 发行版? PS ...
As title says, when I click exit docker desktop on the moby icon on the system tray or in the GUI bottom left green corner, then the GUI closes down as it should but the wsl2 docker distros are still running and they will not stop unless I do wsl --shutdownor wsl --terminate dock...
After about a minute from stopping Docker Desktop application check for running wsl2 distroswsl -l -v Confirm thatdocker-desktop-datadistro is still running, whiledocker-desktopdistro is stopped. commentedJun 8, 2023 same for me on win 11. eating 8 GB RAM even if i quit docker desktop from...
wsl-l-v NAME STATE VERSION*Ubuntu Running2docker-desktop Running2docker-desktop-dataRunning2 docker-desktop docker-desktop-data 对应到磁盘上面,默认位置%LOCALAPPDATA%/Docker/wsl data/ext4.vhdx 对应存储 docker-desktop-data数据,用于存储镜像,会随着使用而不断增加。
Been using Docker for the past 2 months. I am running Windows 10 Pro build 19045.3031. Everything worked perfectly initially, I changed absolutely zilch for the entire two months after getting my containers running. Yest…
测试:启动成功后可以看到左下角的running状态: 打开cmd命令框, 输入“docker -v”,“docker info”可以看到对应信息。 输入“docker run hello-world”,这行命令会让docker从官方仓库中拉取hello-world的镜像到本地,并且自动将其实例化成容器。出现下图所示的提示: 我们再去查看Docker Desktop的主页会出现对应记录。
"Status": "running" } } terpz(Martin Terp)June 29, 2023, 2:50pm2 Hi Can you share your docker-compose file? what do you write as your database host when setting up wordpress? windhoos(Windhoos)June 29, 2023, 6:36pm3 Hi there!
The Docker Dashboard lets you easily manage your container images locally and in Docker Hub, manage local running containers, and gives you the ability to manage and explore your Docker volumes and more. DIY approach When you take a DIY approach, documentation and training are often scarce and...
How to find which application is using your TCP ports 我使用以下工具检查了端口:
Kubernetes master is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 KubeDNS is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'. ...