因为宿主机防火墙的状态发生了改变,导致docker或docker-compose服务无法启动。 1. 问题描述 使用命令docker-compose up -d,报错信息如下: Creating network "minio_default" with the default driver ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule: (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t na...
Building wheelforMarkupSafe (setup.py): finishedwithstatus 'done'Created wheelforMarkupSafe: filename=MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=16911 sha256=18abd87c072361d8f963e9c8c76503320ada5c25c367c87abfe0657d41e24ded Storedindirectory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/b9/d9/ae/63bf90...
要开始使用 Elasticsearch 安全性,你需要生成证书颁发机构(CA),然后使用它为集群中的每个节点生成证书: docker-compose -f docker-compose.setup.yml run --rm es_certs $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.setup.yml run --rm es_certs [+] Running 1/0 ⠿ Network elastic-stack-docker_default Create.....
setup: image: elasticsearch:${STACK_VERSION} volumes: - certs:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs user: "0" command: > bash -c ' if [ x${ELASTIC_PASSWORD} == x ]; then echo "Set the ELASTIC_PASSWORD environment variable in the .env file"; exit 1; elif [ x${KIBANA_PASSWORD} =...
Docker Compose安装 1、第一种方法:github下载安装 1.1 从github上下载docker-compose二进制文件安装...
taiga - benhutchins/taiga:latest taiga的docker镜像很多,但是很多都在2015年以后没有维护,且不容易setup成功。taiga github上主要分为taiga-front and taiga-back两大工程,而且没有‘官方’的docker images postgres - postgresql,taiga主要采用postgres来存过程数据 ...
|-- mysql-shell.env `-- scripts |-- db.sql `-- setupCluster.js Thedocker-compose.ymlfile describes the individual containers, the.envfiles contain configuration for the individual parts, and the scripts folder contains Javascript and SQL scripts to set up the cluster and databases. ...
If you have this error, you may also realize that when you start up docker-compose, it doesn't ask you to setup an account when you try and access The Hive with your browser, and just asks for your Username and PW (Then says the elasticsearch cluster isn't reachable). ...
Dockerfile: this is based onckan/ckan-base:<version>, a base image located in the DockerHub repository, that has CKAN installed along with all its dependencies, properly configured and running onuWSGI(production setup) Dockerfile.dev: this is based onckan/ckan-base:<version>-devalso located ...
anaconda-ks.cfg docker-compose initial-setup-ks.cfg [root@docker ~]# mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin [root@docker ~]# mkdir /root/compose_nginx [root@docker ~]# cd compose_nginx/ [root@docker compose_nginx]# ls [root@docker compose_nginx]# pwd ...