Conclusion By adding the directory containing thedocker-composeexecutable to the system’s environment variables, you can resolve the error “‘docker-compose’ is not recognized as an internal or external command” on Windows 8. This will allow you to use thedocker-composecommand without any issue...
Can you be more explicit when you say "commands do not work"? Are you getting the same exact error as 'docker' is not recognized as an internal or external command from VS CODE #270 like "docker is not recognized as an internal or external command"? What OS are you on? What is you...
docker-compose : The term ‘docker-compose’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the perReleases · docker/compose · GitHub, this should be installed with Docker for Windows. Are you up to date?
However, if the file is named "docker-compose.yml", then it shows up as a plain text. I have neither changed settings related to file types nor marked the file as "plain text". I had some plugins which might interfere with yml support, but I've disabled them. Only the bundled ...
Description Docker-compose sysext is not recognized by the systemd-sysext and thus we can't use it. Impact Systemd-sysext can't start and the other extensions aren't mounted/read. Environment and steps to reproduce Set-up: I'm using a st...
restart_policyconfigures if and how to restart containers when they exit. Ifrestart_policyis not set, Compose considers therestartfield set by the service configuration. condition. When set to: none, containers are not automatically restarted regardless of the exit status. ... 开启https,请提供证书volumes:-./server.crt:/etc/nginx/etc/crt/server.crt-./server.key:/etc/nginx/etc/crt/server.keyenvironment:-SERVER_NAME=localhost# 提供你的域名!!!-BACKEND_SERVER...
Hello, I am facing a strange situation with docker compose within a pipeline. I have a project with two containers, back and front (and a third for...
Ascoderu is building “Lokole”, a hardware access point and suite of open source Linux cloud services that enable people to have rich communications via email for as little as US$0.01 per person per day. Access to efficient communication technology is recognized as a key factor fo...
restart_policyconfigures if and how to restart containers when they exit. Ifrestart_policyis not set, Compose considers therestartfield set by the service configuration. condition. When set to: none, containers are not automatically restarted regardless of the exit status. ...