--entrypoint CMD Override the entrypoint of the image. # 设置环境变量 (可多次使用) -e KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times) # 增加或覆盖一个 label (可多次使用) -l, --label KEY=VAL Add or override a label (can be used multiple times) # 指定一个用户名或者...
printnewcontainername.--nameNAMEAssign a name to the container--entrypointCMDOverride the entrypointofthe image.-eKEY=VALSet an environmentvariable(can be used multiple times)-u,--user=""Runasspecified username
--entrypoint CMD Override the entrypoint of the image. # 设置环境变量 (可多次使用) -e KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times) # 增加或覆盖一个 label (可多次使用) -l, --label KEY=VAL Add or override a label (can be used multiple times) # 指定一个用户名或者...
$ docker compose psNAME IMAGE COMMAND SERVICE CREATED STATUS PORTSexample-frontend-1 example/webapp "nginx -g 'daemon of…" frontend 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>8043/tcpexample-backend-1 example/database "docker-entrypoint.s…" backend 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes ...
they are already running.--allow-insecure-sslAllow insecure connections to the Docker registry.-dDetached mode. Run container in the background, print new container name.--entrypointCMDOverride the entrypoint of the image withCMD.-eKEY=VAL Set an environment variable. Can be used multiple times....
entrypoint-Entry Point Override string. Optional. Use whenaction = Run a specific service. Specifies an override value for the default entry point of the service container. containerCommand-Command string. Optional. Use whenaction = Run a specific service. ...
从容器内拷贝配置文件到容器外部主机 (创建 work 目录,进入运行的 clickhouse 容器后会将默认的配置文件(config.xml, users.xml)复制到 work 目录) 代码语言:javascript 复制 创建容器获取容器内的默认配置文件 mkdir ./work docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v ./work:/work --privileged=true...
--entrypoint CMD Override the entrypoint of the image. -e KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times) -l, --label KEY=VAL Add or override a label (can be used multiple times) -u, --user="" Run as specified username or uid ...
FROM java:8 COPY *.jar /app.jar CMD ["--server.port=80"] EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","app.jar"]3、docker-compose.yml编排项目version: '3.8' services: linapp: build: . image: linapp depends_on: - redis ports: - "80:80" redis: image: "library/redis:alpine"...
If you have a running container which is not a compose service that is like any other service on any remote machine that you want to be running before starting the new service. You can’t controll that. What you can do is creating a n entrypoint or a start command that waits for a ...