What is an Entry Point? In the context of Docker, an entry point is the command or script that is executed when a container is started. It is the first process that runs inside the container and defines its behavior. The entry point can be specified either in the Dockerfile or in the ...
command entry point ports expose links logging stop_signal network_mode networks 简介 Docker Compose是一个用来定义和运行复杂应用的Docker工具。一个使用Docker容器的应用,通常由多个容器组成。使用Docker Compose不再需要使用shell脚本来启动容器。 Compose 通过一个配置文件来管理多个Docker容器,在配置文件中,所有的...
# 第一种方法,通过编写配置文件netrypoint.sh来设置容器启动顺序(建议使用方法一) entrypoint:/entrypoint.sh-d emqx:1883-c"python3 manage.py runserver" # 第二种方法,直接编写command # command: > # /bin/bash -c ' # while ! nc -z emqx 1883; # do # echo "wait for emqx"; #...
/bin/bash#set -x#***# @file : entrypoint.sh# @author : wangyubin# @date : 2018-08- 1 10:18:43## @brief : entry point for manage service start order# history : init#***:${SLEEP_SECOND:=2}wait_for() {echoWaitingfor$1...
这个镜像没什么好说的,配置了一个默认的 entry point 用来启动服务。offlineimaprc文件如下: [general] accounts= 126 maxsynccounts = 2 [Account 126] localrepository = Local126 remoterepository = Repository126 autorefresh = 5 quick = 10 postsynchook = mu index --maildir /Maildir ...
Entry Point Override. #containerCommand: # string. Optional. Use when action = Run a specific service. Command. #detached: true # boolean. Optional. Use when action = Run services || action = Run a specific service. Run in Background. Default: true. #abortOnContainerExit: true # ...
旧的leader节点将不能提交任何新的log entry, 但是如果它提供了对数据的读取,那么客户端读到的这些值可能是过期的。时间窗口也是有界的,时间到了,leader也会下台。 默认模式是基于leader约期的,因此客户端可能读到过期的值。但是这种模式是对读取速度和一致性的一种取舍,牺牲了某些情况下的强一致性,以换取更高的...
docker-compose启动报错,解决⽅案1. [root@cache1 www]# docker-compose Traceback (most recent call last):File "/usr/bin/docker-compose", line 5, in <module> from pkg_resources import load_entry_point File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 3011, in <module> ...
$ docker volume inspect my-vol [ { "Driver": "local", "Labels": {}, "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my-vol/_data", "Name": "my-vol", "Options": {}, "Scope": "local" } ]启动一个挂载数据卷的容器在用docker run 命令的时候,使用 --mount 标记来将 数据卷 挂载到容器里...
I found a workaround: to get the Entry Point and put in the main dir. So either my workdir was not correctly set up or the docker-composer.yml needs to point at the file from the /bin directory Contributor tazarov commented Jul 26, 2024 @PB-estal, The docker-compose uses the curr...