如果您愿意擦除所有Docker数据,请打开Docker Desktop客户端,点按顶栏中的错误图标,然后点按“清理/...
For more information visit: https://github.com/okibcn/wslcompact Distro's name: Ubuntu Image file: C:\Users\Oki\WSL\Ubuntu\ext4.vhdx Current size: 12864 MB Estimated size: 7700 ± 188 MB The estimated process time using an SSD is about 2 minutes. Distro's name: Kali Image file: C:\...
C:\Users\{用户名}\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx 这是WSL的虚拟机文件。这个文件看起来是只增长,不回收硬盘空间的,所以,需要手动回收硬盘空间。 1. 停止wsl2 wsl --shutdown 2. 运行diskpart释放空间 # 代码来自 https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4699#issuecomment-627133168diskpartselec...
大家好,本文是为了填前两天写的一篇文章《【图文教程】Windows11下安装Docker Desktop》。这篇文章有个...
So the root cause is my wsl data hard disk image file. It grows scaringly. I’m not sure why. Even now when I didnt volume mount my data, the drive is already about 8.5GB big. It probably contains downloaded Docker images and the files created during container run. ...
WSL中有ext4文件系统,在/中的标准文件夹中。/mnt/中的所有内容...都是ntfs Windows卷,由于权限问题...
I am using Docker with WSL2 integration on Windows 10 Home. While following this question to change the location of the docker images I came across this file: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro\ext4.vhdx and couldn't find any explanation online regarding the f...
重新导入docker-desktop-data到要存放的文件夹:D:\SoftwareData\wsl\docker-desktop-data\: wsl --import docker-desktop-data D:\SoftwareData\wsl\docker-desktop-data\ D:\SoftwareData\wsl\docker-desktop-data\docker-desktop-data.tar --version 2 ...
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro\ext4.vhdx 并且在网上找不到有关该文件功能的任何解释。 J. *_*ein4 当您运行 Docker Desktop WSL2 时,它将创建 2 个虚拟机,其中一个包含卷、映像等,另一个与实际的 Docker Desktop 本身相关,这就是您所询问的。它小得多。