[CI] Add workflow to synchronize ubuntu base image #2526: This PR adds a workflow for synchronizing the Ubuntu base image, which could be relevant due to the changes in Docker image management in the main PR. Deleted unnecessary event path for docker build #2538: This PR involves the deleti...
Create a t3.medium EC2 called "Docker_Terraform". This will be your Jenkins NODE instance. Install Java 17, Terraform, Docker, and AWS CLI ont0 it. For this workload it would be easiest to use the same .pem key for both of these instances to avoid confusion when trying to connect the...
WorkflowTask WorkflowTaskReference Workitem Workitem WorkItemBatchGetRequest WorkItemBehavior WorkItemBehaviorField WorkItemBehaviorReference WorkItemBehaviorReference WorkItemClassificationNode WorkItemColor WorkItemComment WorkItemComments WorkItemCommentVersionRef WorkItemDelete WorkItemDeleteBatch WorkItemDeleteBatch...
VBWorkflowDiagram VBWorkflowInitiationForm VBWorkflowManagerActivity VBWPFApplication VBWPFLibrary VBWPFUserControl VBWPFWebSite VerifiedPublisher Version VersionInformation VerticalScrollBar VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording View ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock Vi...
Docker is perfect for helping you with the development lifecycle. Docker allows your developers to develop on local containers that contain your applications and services. It can then integrate into a continuous integration and deployment workflow. ...
The diagram above shows how a standard application stack has evolved over the past 15 years. (“Off-the-shelf” could represent your J2EE runtime or your database.) Left: 15 years ago Middle: about 7 years ago, virtualization with a service like EC2 gained wide adoption. This evolution al...
Next we will test the workflow, making sure we can build, push, and run multi-arch images. Let’s create a simple example Dockerfile, build a couple of image variants, and push them to Hub. ~ ❯❯❯ mkdir test && cd test && cat <<EOF > Dockerfile FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get ...
Docker is perfect for helping you with the development lifecycle. Docker allows your developers to develop on local containers that contain your applications and services. It can then integrate into a continuous integration and deployment workflow. ...
Much of this overhead can be prevented byshifting left security, tackling potential problems as soon as possible in your development workflow.We recently covered in this blog howimage scanning best practiceshelps you shift left security. Awell crafted Dockerfilewill avoid the need for privileged con...
Full development and testing workflow with Test Kitchen and friends: <testing.md> </testing.md> Contributing Please see contributing information in: <contributing.md> </contributing.md> Maintainers Sean OMeara (sean@sean.io) Brian Flad (bflad417@gmail.com) Tom Duffield (http://tomduffield.com...