If you have encountered the message “win11 docker windows containers are not supported by your windows version” while trying to run Docker on Windows 11, you are not alone. This error message occurs because Windows Containers feature is not supported on all versions of Windows 11. In this ar...
执行命令将docker-compose.ymlwen文件下载下来。https://github.com/dockur/windows/blob/master/docker-compose.yml若网络不好那么可以复制下面的代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 version:"3"services:windows:image:dockurr/windowscontainer_name:windowsdevices:-/dev/kvmcap_add:-NET_ADMINports:-8006:8006-3389:3...
By following these steps, you can easily start Docker Engine on Windows 11 and start working with Docker containers. Docker provides a convenient and efficient way to develop and deploy applications in a containerized environment. Happy coding!
Docker Desktop 4.27.x was release which now comes with Docker Engine v25.0.2, previous version 4.26.1 came with Docker Engine v24.0.7. Using Docker Engine v25.0.2 to build images based on ltsc2019/1809 Windows container images breaking the build cache and nothing is cache or it is never ...
Installing Docker on Windows 11 Docker can be installed on Windows 11 in a few steps. Begin by downloading the Docker software from the official Docker website. Please note that using Docker on Windows 11 is not suitable for the Windows Server operating system. As Docker is designed for Linux...
WSL 2 backend Hyper-V backend and Windowscontainers WSL version or later.Windows 11 ...
这时候大家的docker 应该都属于Runing 状态了,但是docker 默认是按照linux 环境配置的,可以切换到windows 环境。鼠标右键桌面右下角托盘内的docker图标, 中间的选项有一个switch to windows containers.. docker在linux环境的配置选项 应该是 switch to windows containers..(目前在linux环境,点击后切换到windows环境) ...
To run Windows containers, you need Windows 10 or Windows 11 Professional or Enterprise edition. Windows Home or Education editions only allow you to run Linux containers. Containers and images created with Docker Desktop are shared between all user accounts on machines where it is installed. This...
微軟在《Windows Server 2022 and beyond for containers》這篇文章中,就有針對這部分做說明。在文中就有提到: 從Windows Server 2022 開始,使用者將可以在任何組建的 Windows Server 2022 或 Windows 11 上,以 process 或 Hyper-V isolation 的形式、來執行 Windows Server 2022 的 container image。
The numbers you could see on the linked page are the base Windows versions for the severs. This is almost at the beginning of the page in the “About” section This is a base image for Windows Server containers If you have a Windows 11 OS installed, try this from a Powershell: ...