在“General”选项卡中,查找“Use Windows containers instead of Linux containers”(使用Windows容器而不是Linux容器)的选项。 启用Windows容器功能: 勾选“Use Windows containers instead of Linux containers”选项。 Docker Desktop会提示你需要重启以应用更改。点击“Apply & Restart”(应用并重启)按钮。 验证Windo...
When working with Docker on Windows, you may encounter the issue where Windows containers are not enabled in Docker Desktop. This can prevent you from running Windows containers and may cause confusion. In this article, we will discuss why Windows containers may not be enabled, how to enable t...
win11家庭版 docker desktop windows containers not supported Win11家庭版组策略,我们在使用windows中的本地组策略编辑器的时候(打开方式为cmd:gpedit.msc)的时候,可能会遇到没有这个程序,那么我们去对应的文件夹下查看一下是否有这个程序,原本我们发现是真的没有
右键这个小图标,先signin,注意这里是ID 不是邮箱 image.png image.png 可能starting 时候就报错说“Containers feature is not enabled”或者 image.png image.png https://github.com/docker/
Docker fails to start in windows with the messageContainers Feature is not enabled. Do you want to enable it for Docker to be able to work properly? Your computer will restart automatically. If I hit "Ok", I get back a message sayingDocker failed to enable Containers. Please enable this ...
I upgraded my system to windows 10 and installed stable version of docker ( from below link: I am having issues after installing docker. Whenever I start the docker, it says: “Containers are not enabled…
“Containers feature is not enabled” 或者 image.png https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1631 https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1982 总结一下, 首先确认Hyper-V启动 image.png 第二应该确保: image.png 如果你的显示禁用, Enabled Virtualization (Hyper-V, etc) in yourBIOS, 你得开机...
“Containers feature is not enabled” 或者 image.png https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1631 https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1982 总结一下, 首先确认Hyper-V启动 image.png 第二应该确保: image.png 如果你的显示禁用, Enabled Virtualization (Hyper-V, etc) in yourBIOS, 你得开机...
win10装docker desktop提示Installation failed: Containers Windows Feature is not available 在装docker的过程中如有以下报错 解决方法:新建containers.cmd,编辑内容如下,以管理员身份运行,执行完后按照提示重启电脑 pushd "%~dp0"dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*conta......
title Docker Containers "Windows Containers" : 30 "Linux Containers" : 70 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. **Use a Virtual Machine**: If you need to run Windows Containers specifically, you can set up a virtual machine running a supported version of Windows with Windows Containers enabled. ...