#/host_mnt/e/dockerdata/backup/是windows e盘预先创建好一个用于备份的文件夹 #/var/lib/docker/volumes是使用docker volume create创建出来的目录位置,在这里可以看到所有的volume #gitlab-data是创建的volume名称 tar -zcvf/host_mnt/e/dockerdata/backup/gitlabdata.tar.gz/var/lib/docker/volumes/gitlab-d...
(1) docker run 命令中采用了 -v one_volume_name:/container/dir_or_file , 这里的one_volume_name不是host中的绝对路径, 而是一个名称. (2) 通过 docker volume create 创建的, 该命令支持更多的选项, 推荐使用. 匿名volume方式 是通过 docker run 命令中传入了 -v /container/dir 类型的参数. 3. bi...
- 9300:9300restart: always kibana: image: kibana:6.4.1container_name: kibana links:- elasticsearch:es#配置elasticsearch域名为esdepends_on:-elasticsearch environment:-"elasticsearch.hosts=http://es:9200"#因为上面配置了域名,所以这里可以简写为http://es:9200ports:- 5601:5601restart: always logstash: ...
Error response from daemon: failed to mount local volume: mount //localIP/docker/mediastack/gluetun:/var/lib/docker/volumes/vpn_gluetunconfig/_data, data: username=username,password=***,vers=3.0: operation not supported any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Output of docker version: Client: Version: 1.12.0 API version: 1.24 Go version: go1.6.3 Git commit: 8eab29e Built: Thu Jul 28 21:04:48 2016 OS/Arch: windows/amd64 Experimental: true Server: Version: 1.12.0 API version: 1.24 Go version: g...
对Docker架构了解的读者一定能够更好地了解Docker for Windows 10运作的基本原理,即在Hyper-V的支持下,将Docker容器运行在Linux的虚拟机里。因此,在Docker for Windows的工具中,可以设置这台虚拟机的CPU个数,以及内存的大小。 然而,一个比较麻烦的问题是,如果你需要使用-v参数来加载(mount)一个磁盘目录(volume)的...
$docker run -v[<volume-name>:]<mount-path>[:opts] In the case of named volumes, the first field is the name of the volume, and is unique on a given host machine. For anonymous volumes, the first field is omitted. The second field is the path where the file or directory is mounte...
$docker run -v[<volume-name>:]<mount-path>[:opts] In the case of named volumes, the first field is the name of the volume, and is unique on a given host machine. For anonymous volumes, the first field is omitted. The second field is the path where the file or directory is mounte...
Solution:SetCOMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHSenvironment variable to “true” or “1”. Invalid characters for a local volume name when usingdocker run C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: create .;C: ".;C" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, ...
未被任何容器所使用的卷(volume) 未被任何容器所关联的网络(network) 所有悬空镜像(image)。 该指令默认只会清除悬空镜像,未被使用的镜像不会被删除。 添加-a 或 --all 可以添加-f 或 --force 指令结尾处会显示总计清理释放的空间大小。 参考: 【Ubuntu环境下挂载新硬盘】...