1、安装VirtualBox 据说版本为4.3.4的VirtualBox在win7下是最稳定的,所以就使用这个版本的VirtualBox 2、参考文档https://www.widuu.com/chinese_docker/installation/windows.html安装boot2docker,安装过程不用安装它附带的VirtualBox,可使用下面的地址; 完成boot2docker的安装后,然后点击这个: 然后会在VirtualBox新建...
环境:windows10专业版 64位 正文: 官方下载地址:https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-windo 勾选use windows containers instead of linux containers(使用 windows 容器而不是 linux 容器) 这时候右下角出现一个小鲸鱼图标 会弹出一个这样的对话框,登录一下,没有账号就按照提示注册 ...
Windows Server Containers 在Docker 受到 Linux 界重视的同一时期,Windows Base 团队一直在想方设法隔离执行客户或第三方代码的 Microsoft Azure 服务并提高其效率。代号为“Drawbridge”的 Microsoft 研究原型提供了一种研究渠道;此项目生成了可利用库操作系统的进程隔离容器 (bit.ly/...
安装完容器功能并重启服务器后,我们可以开始运行Windows容器了。下面是一个简单的示例,演示如何运行一个基于Windows的容器: docker run-d--name my_container mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 1. 在这个示例中,我们使用docker run命令来启动一个名为my_container的容器,基于mcr.microsoft.com/windows/s...
1. 最好先卸载docker 2. 执行脚本 安装docker 1 2 3 # PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/Windows-Containers/Main/helpful_tools/Install-DockerCE/install-docker-ce.ps1"-oinstall-docker-ce.ps1 ...
Windows 8.1 及 Windows 10 家庭版 Docker Toolbox 使用了VirtualBox作为虚拟化平台来承载Docker运行环境,各位可以从官方页面下载安装。安装完成之后双击桌面的Docker Quickstart Terminal打开命令提示符。待初始化完成后,可以看到Docker的鲸鱼Logo及相关提示。
https://anthonychu.ca/post/dockerizing-aspnet-4x-windows-containers/Fixing some bugsI also ran into some bugs that could be easily fixed. Once your container is running, it may not be reachable by client browsers outside of Azure. To fix this ...
Remove-WindowsFeatureHyper-V 1. 2. 重启系统 重启系统完成卸载和清理 Restart-Computer-Force 1. 3.Docker 命令 Usage:docker[OPTIONS]COMMAND Aself-sufficientruntimeforcontainers Options: --configstringLocationofclientconfigfiles(default "C:\\Users\\01Administrator\\.docker") ...
When you are running on Windows 10, you can only work with Hyper-V containers, but when you are running on Windows Server 2016, you can choose between Hyper-V and Windows Server containers. By default, when you use the docker run command, it will start a Windows Server container, but ...
Why not enable users to use Windows Server Containers the same way? That fall I flew down to San Francisco to meet with Docker, unsure what the company would think of a Windows-based container and whether it would be interested in building on top of Windows at all. I was in for a ...