LABEL Vendor="CentOS" License=GPLv2 RUN yum -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs update && \ yum -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs install httpd && \ yum clean all EXPOSE 80 # Simple startup script to avoid some issues observed with container restart ADD / RUN chmod -v +...
--domainname Container NIS domain name --entrypoint Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image -e, --env Set environment variables --env-file Read in a file of environment variables --expose Expose a port or a range of ports --gpus API 1.40+ GPU devices to add to the container ('al...
With the exception of the--kernel-memoryoption, you can specify these options on a running or a stopped container. On kernel version older than 4.6, you can only update--kernel-memoryon a stopped container or on a running container with kernel memory initialized. ...
--domainname string Container NIS domain name --entrypoint string Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image -e, --env list Set environment variables --env-file list Read in a file of environment variables --expose list Expose a port or a range of ports --gpus gpu-request GPU devices ...
Run a command in a running container Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: run command in the background --detach-keys string Override the key sequence for detaching a container -e, --env list Set environment variables (default [])
USER root RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl USER $APP_UID 备注 如果使用 Linux 发行版(如 Alpine)不支持 apt-get,请尝试改为 RUN apk --no-cache add curl。 这些Docker Compose 功能需要 Docker Compose 项目文件中的属性设置(.dcproj)。 将属性 DependencyAwareStart 设置为 true: XML...
docker update限制cpu docker限流 Docker 1、容器技术 Linux容器技术(Linux Containers,缩写LXC):是与系统其他部分分隔开的一系列进程,从另一个镜像运行,并由该镜像提供支持进程所需的全部文件。它在操作系统层面实现了虚拟化,直接复用本地主机操作系统,并不是像虚拟机一样模拟一个完整的操作系统而是对进程进行隔离。
UpdateStages.WithHostNameSslBinding WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteConfigs WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteEnabled WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSourceControl WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithWebContainer WebAppConfigTests WebApps WebAppSou...
UpdateStages.WithHostNameSslBinding WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteConfigs WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteEnabled WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSourceControl WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithWebContainer WebAppConfigTests WebApps WebAppSo...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fe8f308023cf redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 20 seconds ago Up Less than a second 6379/tcp serene_pascal # 案例3:已经运行或创建的容器,用 docker update 更改重启策略 [root@localhost ~]# docker update --restart=on-failure:3 fe8f308 ...