Hi! I tested the docker version on a WSL system but can running the command unzip NGS-PrimerPlex/hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta*.gz below gives the error bash: unzip: command not found I created the container by running the command docker run -it ...
1.执行ls命令,查看文件是否在当前目录 2.执行解压命令:unzip ses-3.0.zip,解压srs-3.0.zip(ps:我为了方便,把文件名的release给去掉了),如果执行报错command not found,可能是unzip没安装,执行一下yum install -y zip unzip命令,安装一下zip和unzip就可以了。 3.执行ls命令,查看是否解压完成 4.执行cd srs-3.0...
268 INFO exited: app (exit status 1; not expected) 2019-08-16 11:11:17,270 INFO gave up: app entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/grpc-app-demo.conf': No space left on device cp: cannot create regular...
#容器中解压文件 unzip allure-2.13.0.zip #配置环境变量 vi /etc/profile PATH后面添加 :$PATH:/allure-2.13.0/bin(allure的全路径) source /etc/profile 保存生效 第七步:验证allure allure --version 四、打包/上传镜像 第一步:直接将安装好的镜像进行打包 docker commit -a "songpeilun" -m "python3....
我在试着拍一个码头形象 Dockerfile FROM marketplace.gcr.io/google/ubuntu1804:latest MAINTAINER Vinay Joseph (vinay.joseph@microfocus.com) LABEL ACI_COMPONENT="License Server" EXPOSE 20000/tcp #Install Unzip RUN apt-get install unzip #Unzip License Server to /opt/MicroFocus RUN mkdir /opt/Micro...
felddychanged the titleFoundry update fron 0.7.5 to 0.7.7 on Synology stop error..."unzip: short read" error during container startupNov 16, 2020 felddyself-assigned thisNov 16, 2020 Author DanielRonnstamcommentedNov 16, 2020 My Synology owner friend will answer these detailed questions as ...
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.
$ sudo apt install -y unzip $ unzip NVIDIA-ls-linux-xxxx.xx.x.xxxxxxxx.zip # Step 5: Run the NVIDIA License Server Setup. $ cd NVIDIA-ls-linux-xxxx.xx.x.xxxxxxxx $ chmod +x setup.bin $ sudo ./setup.bin After installation, access the Flexera License Server management interface in a...
安装Cos...https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/15392 因为debian unzip无法直接使用需要安装命令, apt-get install -y zip...unzip 1、 根据文档:https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/15392 配置即可成功,其中要注意的就两点一个是安装jdk的时候声明jdk位置...,一个是unzip需要单独安装...
Docker镜像的获取有三种方式,第一种方式是在第三方网站上(例如Docker Hub)下载现成的Docker镜像,但是这样的Docker镜像可能不符合用户的具体要求。第二种方式是在第一种方式的基础上运行Docker容器,然后对容器内的软件按需求进行安装、卸载和对环境做相应的配置,再用docker commit命令保存成新的Docker镜像。这种方式的缺点...