利用docker容器相互不干扰的,轻便 安装快捷,性能稳定。我们可以搭建appium自动化测试以及web -selenium测试,方案如下(本人已经实验成功):
docker run-d-P--name test-web-mount source=my-vol,target=/webapp training/webapp python app.py 2.2.2 -v挂载 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker run-d-P--name test-web-v test-vol:/wepapp training/webapp python app.py 2.3 查看数据卷的具体信息 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker inspect test-web...
还是老规矩,要创建容器,我们首先要拉取镜像,除了拉取testlink镜像之外,由于testlink还依赖于数据库,所以我们还需要拉取mariadb镜像,命令如下: # 拉取mariadb镜像docker pull bitnami/mariadb# 拉取testlink镜像docker pull bitnami/testlink-archived 注:最新的testlink镜像名称已经改为testlink-archived,所以我们在拉...
$ docker export webtest02 > webtest02_export.tar 导出容器 webtest02 快照到本地文件 webtest02_export.tar 中。 9) 导入容器快照 可以使用 docker import 从容器快照文件中再导入为镜像,以下实例将快照文件 webtest02_export.tar 导入到镜像 training/webapp:v1: $ cat webtest02_export.tar | docker i...
This relates to our efforts to test new features without causing backwards compatibility issues. For example, docker buildx version outputs buildx v0.11.2-desktop.1. New Resource Usage has moved from experimental to GA. You can now split large Compose projects into multiple sub-projects with ...
(base) root@hecs-275553:/opt/fastapi# docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE fastapi-test-app new 1ea9708114e7 55 seconds ago 1.05GB danswer/danswer-web-server latest 24e5b346cad5 2 weeks ago 231MB qdrant/qdrant v1.3.0 2de9d6b3de91 2 months ago 139MB hello-world late...
Utilize Testcontainers to provide lightweight, throwaway instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, and more. Test anything that can be containerized for accurate, reliable testing. Integrate and automate with ease Efficiently run data access layer integration tests, UI/acceptance tests, and...
WORKDIR /usr/local/tomcat/webapps ADD docker-web ./docker-web 1. 2. 3. 4. 一个简单的Dockerfile就编写完成,其中命令具体是什么意思,下面会做详细说明,接下来开始构建镜像 [root@node2 docker-test]# docker build -t conly/mywebapp:1.0 ./ ...
dvwassl - SSL-enabled Damn Vulnerable Web App to test Web Application Firewalls. By @Peco602 KICS - an infrastructure-as-code scanning tool, find security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and infrastructure misconfigurations early in the development cycle. Can be extended for additional policies. ...
部署一个最简单的webapp test到"/home/websoft/loris/loris-test1/webapps" test/index.jsp META-INF WEB-INF 重启loris-test1 docker restart loris-test1 wget wget http://localhost:4004/test [root@izhp39lknawryomnia12roz test]# wget http://localhost:4004/test --2018-09-03 14:17:28-- http...