(1)如果不加tag,默认就是latest (2)如果指定了tag,需要docker支持的内容里有 拉取mysql的镜像: Digest:签名 docker.io/library/mysql:latest:真实地址 下载镜像tag等同于下载镜像的真实地址,即: docker pull mysql 等价于 docker pull docker.io/library/mysql:latest 注: (1)docker使用的是分层下载,对于不同ta...
name = "io_bazel_rules_docker", sha256 = "95d39fd84ff4474babaf190450ee034d958202043e366b9fc38f438c9e6c3334", strip_prefix = "rules_docker-0.16.0", urls = [ "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/releases/download/v0.16.0/rules_docker-v0.16.0.tar.gz", "https://storage.goog...
Docker Debug is now generally available. BuildKit now evaluates Dockerfile rules to inform you of potential issues. Resource Allocation settings can now be accessed directly from the resource usage data displayed in the Dashboard footer. New and improved experience for troubleshooting. ...
Docker Debug is now generally available. BuildKit now evaluates Dockerfile rules to inform you of potential issues. Resource Allocation settings can now be accessed directly from the resource usage data displayed in the Dashboard footer. New and improved experience for troubleshooting. ...
"rules":[ { "type":"field", "ip":[ "geoip:private" ], "outboundTag":"blocked" }, { "type": "field", "inboundTag": [ "tg-in" ], "outboundTag": "tg-out" } ] }, "policy":{ }, "reverse":{ }, "transport":{ } } Docker-compose 模式(推荐): Dockerfile:vim /opt/do...
rules:# If the efficiency is measured belowX%,markasfailed.# Expressedasa ratio between0-1.lowestEfficiency:0.95# If the amountofwasted space is at leastXor larger thanX,markasfailed.# ExpressedinB,KB,MB,andGB.highestWastedBytes:20MB
docker rmi 镜像名称:tag 删除正在运行的镜像 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker rmi-f hello-world 删除全部镜像 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker rmi-f ${docker images-qa}docker images-qa 是查询当前全部镜像的id,然后删除这些镜像 三. 容器的基本命令 ...
docker [image] pull NAME[:TAG] 1. 其中:NAME是镜像仓库名称,TAG是镜像的标签。 对于docker镜像来说,如果不显示指定 TAG,则默认会选择latest标签,这样会下载仓库中最新版本的镜像。 2.3.1 获取mysql镜像 docker pull mysql 1. 2.3.2 获取Ubuntu镜像 docker pull ubuntu:18.04 1. 2.4 删除镜像 sudo docker im...
branch and fail if new critical or high CVEs are detecteddocker scout compare "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}" --to "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest" --exit-code --only-severity critical,high --ignore-unchangedfi-docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE${tag}"rules: -if:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCHexists: -Docker...
AUDIT_CONTROL Enable and disable kernel auditing; change auditing filter rules; retrieve auditing status and filtering rules. AUDIT_READ Allow reading the audit log via multicast netlink socket. BLOCK_SUSPEND Allow preventing system suspends. BPF Allow creating BPF maps, loading BPF Type Format (BTF...