1. 最好先卸载docker 2. 执行脚本 安装docker 1 2 3 # PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/Windows-Containers/Main/helpful_tools/Install-DockerCE/install-docker-ce.ps1"-oinstall-docker-ce.ps1 .\install-docker-ce.ps1 3. 查看版本 1 docker ver...
解决方法一(Docker的切换功能) 鼠标右键点击在任务栏上的系统托盘图标里面的Docker 图标,选择「Switch To Windows Containers」。重新启动Docker 。 Docker 会在提示框里面提示在Windows Power Shell里面执行下面命令: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $(“Microsoft-Hyper-V”, “Containers”) -All ...
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $(“Microsoft-Hyper-V”, “Containers”) -All 备注:如果上述命令执行失败;可按照下面的方式来 鼠标右键点击在任务栏上的系统托盘图标里面的Docker 图标,选择「Switch To Windows Containers」。重新启动Docker 。 Docker 会在提示框里面提示在Windows Power Shell里...
Expected to Switch the Docker containers to Windows Container Information Windows Version: Docker Desktop Version: WSL2 or Hyper-V backend? Are you running inside a virtualized Windows e.g. on a cloud server or a VM: Steps to reproduce the behavior Download and install latest version of Docker...
"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchDaemon 该错误与守护程序部分有关:在Windows...
Getting error while creating BC Container. Also, Docker Engine service not available and Switch to Windows Containers is disabled. My OS is Windows Home. Please suggest.
右键点击Docker图标,选择“Switch To Windows Containers”,然后重新启动Docker。 以管理员身份运行CMD或PowerShell,输入以下命令来重置网络套接字: powershell netsh winsock reset 错误: WSL更新失败: 解决方案:尝试手动更新WSL。在PowerShell中以管理员身份运行: powershell wsl --update 如果WSL 2内核更新失败,...
Install-WindowsFeature-Name Containers 1. 步骤三:重启服务器 安装完容器功能后,我们需要重启服务器以使更改生效。运行以下命令来重启服务器: Restart-Computer-Force 1. 步骤四:运行Windows容器 安装完容器功能并重启服务器后,我们可以开始运行Windows容器了。下面是一个简单的示例,演示如何运行一个基于Windows的容器:...
To disable user namespace remapping for a specific container, you can set the --userns flag to host. docker run --userns=host hello-world host is the only valid value for the --userns flag. For more information, refer to Isolate containers with a user namespace....