Quick update here. I had to restart Docker Desktop recently and ran into the previous issue with it being stuck in starting mode. I found that in this case, a reboot will allow it to restart though. I also noticed that docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data were still running after trigge...
Fixed the UI stuck in starting state forever although Docker Desktop is working fine from the command line. Fixed missing Docker Desktop systray icon docker/for-win#12573 Fixed Registry Access Management under WSL 2 with latest kernel. Fixed a UI crash when selecting the containers of...
* [in wsl2 run docker info got ERROR: request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version... · Issue #13693 · docker/for-win](https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/13693) * [docker desktop Debug Mode: false - Search](https://cn.bing.com/search?q=docker%20desktop%...
It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv Removing intermediate container 26ee9c707d5d ---> 1f3f156f3de4 Step 4/6 : RUN mkdir /app ---> Running in b20fec414152 Removing intermediate container b20fec414152 ---> 8a8f43535bd1 Step 5/6 :...
a systemd drop-in file is present, and contains -H fd:// in the ExecStart directive Starting the docker service will produce an error: Failed to start docker.service: Unit docker.socket failed to load: No such file or directory.
in containerd v2.0, please switch to version `2`, see https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/docs/PLUGINS.md#version-header" 2022-09-29T06:51:47.121845532Z time="2022-09-29T06:51:47.121640598Z" level=info msg="starting containerd" revision=9cd3357b7fd7218e4aec3eae239db1f68a5...
文档:http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Base.html gitlab_rails['smtp_openssl_verify_mode'] = 'none' gitlab_rails['smtp_ca_path'] = "/etc/ssl/certs" gitlab_rails['smtp_ca_file'] = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" ## Email 设置 gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_enabled...
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️ Cluster creation complete. You can now use the cluster with: export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")" kubectl cluster-info This will bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster using a pre-builtnode image- we can find it on docker hubkindest/no...
Looks good. Our MySQL container is now running. However, you are now stuck in the terminal and can’t do anything because the container is running in attach mode (running in foreground). This is so inconvenient. We would expect MySQL to run as a service instead. Let’s consider this as...
1. 创建两个文件夹redis-master-data和redis-slave-data,用于存储主节点和从节点的数据。2. 打开终端...