docker 服务状态一直是created docker status created 1. Got starting container process caused "process_linux.go:301: running exec setns process for init caused \"exit status 40\"": unknown. from time to time 解决问题: most of the memories are ...
docker Created 状态 启动 docker status created 1. Got starting container process caused "process_linux.go:301: running exec setns process for init caused \"exit status 40\"": unknown. from time to time 2. Rpmdb checksum is invalid: dCDPT(pkg checksums): 描述: rpm数据库损坏需要重建。需要在...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1061ed186789 nginx"/docker-entrypoint.…"5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp nginx-zimug CONTAINER ID :容器ID IMAGE:镜像名称 COMMAND:容器内部软件脚本启动命令 CREATED: 容器创建的时间 STATUS:容器的运行状态 PORTS...
COMMAND: 启动容器时运行的命令。 CREATED: 容器的创建时间。 STATUS: 容器状态。状态有7种:created(已创建)、restarting(重启中)、running或UP(运行中)、removing(迁移中)、paused(暂停)、exited(停止)、dead(死亡)、 PORTS: 容器的端口信息和使用的连接类型(tcp\udp)。 NAMES: 自动分配的容器名称。 dockerps列...
CREATED:镜像创建时间; VIRTUAL SIZE:镜像大小; 1.5 查看所有状态容器——docker ps -a docker ps -a #-a 选项可以显示所有的容器 1. 字段说明 CONTAINER ID:容器的ID号 IMAGE:加载的镜像 COMMAND :运行的程序 CREATED :创建时间 STATUS:当前的状态
你可以试试docker start 如果可以正常使用就没问题,如果不能正常使用,请排查日志,根据报错信息解决
Docker is only compatible withiptables-nftandiptables-legacy. Firewall rules created withnftare not supported on a system with Docker installed. Make sure that any firewall rulesets you use are created withiptablesorip6tables, and that you add them to theDOCKER-USERchain, seePacket filtering and...
You might create your own images or you might only use those created by others and published in a registry. To build your own image, you create a Dockerfile with a simple syntax for defining the steps needed to create the image and run it. Each instruction in a Dockerfile creates a lay...
CREATED: 容器创建的时间 STATUS:容器的运行状态 PORTS: 容器与宿主机的端口映射关系 NAMES: 容器的名称 比如nginx服务的日志如下所示: 三、进入容器内部操作系统 有的时候我们通过和的信息很难判断容器内部服务的运行情况。这个时候我们就需要进入到容器内部操作系统,使用下面的命令。
$ docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NA MES 77b2dc01fe0f ubuntu:17.10 /bin/sh -c 'while tr 2 minutes ago Up 1 minute ag itated_wright解释:可能之前看过的文章,使用dokcer ps、docker images等命令。 其实,docker ps和docker container ls都是 Docker 用于查看 Cont...