Start, stop, and rebuild services View the status of running services Stream the log output of running services Run a one-off command on a service Understand how Compose works Find out about the latest enhancements and bug fixes. Learn how to migrate from Compose V1 to V2 ...
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.
anaconda-post.log bin dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin [root@65f48e62c42b /]# exit exit [root@cxypa ~]# docker exec 进入容器 命令说明: #进入容器 docker exec 容器名称或容器ID 一条命令 #进入容器,打开终端 docker exec -it mycentos72 /bin/bash #选项 -i: 表...
daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and default context set with "docker context use") -D, --debug Enable debug mode -H, --host list Daemon socket(s) to connect to -l, --log-level string Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") (default "info") --tls...
解决方式:systemctl start docker 2、can't create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: is a directory 原因:docker.sock不能创建 解决方式:rm -rf /var/run/docker.sock 然后重新启动docker 3、Job for docker.service failed. Failed to start Docker Application ...
docker logout pull 从镜像仓库中拉取或者更新指定镜像。参数说明: -a :拉取所有 tagged 镜像 –disable-content-trust :忽略镜像的校验,默认开启 #从Docker Hub下载java最新版镜像。 docker pull java #从Docker Hub下载REPOSITORY为java的所有镜像。
A warning will be generated in the container log output when outdated image-specific configuration files are detected at startup in a running container. When you see this warning, you should manually compare (or copy) the files from/usr/src/nextcloud/configto/var/www/html/config. A command ...
systemctl start docker #停止docker systemctl stop docker #重启docker systemctl restart docker #查看docker状态 systemctl status docker#开启自启动(配置后Linux服务器启动的时候就启动docker,不配linux重启后需要手动启动docker)systemctl enable docker
/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx ;# 前台启动nginxautostart=true;# 随着supervisor自动启动startsecs=10 ;# 启动10s后算正常启动autorestart=true;# 程序退出后自动重启startretries=3 ;# 启动失败自动重试次数stdout_logfile_maxbytes=20MB ;stdout# 日志文件大小最大20Mbstdout_logfile=/usr/local/nginx/logs/out.log...
Note that if you use a custom credential helper then the CLI docker login and docker logout does not affect whether the UI is signed in to Docker or not. In general, it is better to sign into Docker via the UI since the UI supports multi-factor authentication. Added a warning about ...