First, start a container. $docker run --name mycontainer -d -i -t alpine /bin/sh This creates and starts a container namedmycontainerfrom analpineimage with anshshell as its main process. The-doption (shorthand for--detach) sets the container to run in the background, in detached mode...
2、docker exec -it [Container id | names] /bin/bash 这种方式断开连接或者使用了exit命令,容器也会正常运行。 Docker pull push(镜像管理) pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry push Push an image or a repository to a registry Docker Container管理 1、docker start 2、docker stop 3...
A container is a runnable instance of an image. You can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI. You can connect a container to one or more networks, attach附上storage to it, or even create a new image based on its current state. By default, a...
SQL Server is running in a Docker container now, and my Web app uses sql-server as the hostname in the connection string so it will connect to the database running in Docker. I can start the WebForms application in the background and publish port 80 to make the Web si...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d74f2ceb5f3a alpine:latest "/bin/sh" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds zen_pascal Run Containers In Background 从上面个的输出结果中可以看到,我们创建了一个 Alpine 容器,但是还没有连接进去。
--cpuset-mems MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) -d, --detach Run container in background and print container ID --detach-keys Override the key sequence for detaching a container --device Add a host device to the container --device-cgroup-rule Add a rule to the cgroup all...
➜ compose docker exec--helpUsage:docker exec[OPTIONS]CONTAINERCOMMAND[ARG...]Run a commandina running containerOptions:-d,--detach Detached mode:run commandinthe background--detach-keys string Override the key sequencefordetaching a container-e,--env list Set environment variables-i,--interacti...
For demo, first, let’s start a containerin a detached modeusing the-doption as discussed earlier. $ docker container run-d--name web-server-04nginx:alpine Now, we can execute any command in the container without connecting it usingdocker exec. For example, we are gettinghostnamein the ...
- pmeans publish a container’s port to the host --networkmeans connect a container to a the network To start the Docker containers with theFree Text Searchfeature enabled, set the value of theENABLE_FTSproperty as 1. Similarly, to enable the DAM feature, set the value of theENABLE_DAM...
[SERVICE...]Options:-d,--detachDetachedmode:Runcontainersinthe background,printnewcontainernames.Incompatiblewith--abort-on-container-exit.--no-colorProducemonochrome output.--quiet-pullPullwithout printing progress information--no-depsDon't start linked services.--force-recreateRecreatecontainers evenif...