Base image: wodby/base-solr GitHub actions builds Docker Hub Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links: 8, latest (Dockerfile) 7.7, 7 (Dockerfile) 6.6, 6 (Dockerfile) 5.5, 5 (Dockerfile) Environment Variables VariableDefault ValueDescription SOLR_HEAP 1024m SOLR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET See...
This repository is meant to be a means to store already released Dockerfiles for the Docker Official Images team, but will also be the host for the8.11.zSolr image until it is no-longer supported (when Solr 10.0 is released). You can raise issues and ask questions the same way, followin...
We’ll go with Option #3 in this blog post, as it provides the best insights into Solr. Sematext provides the SPM Client (this includes the monitoring agent and metrics sender) pre-installed in a Docker Image. We refer to thisdockerized SPM Clientas “SPM Client Image/Container” in the...
縮image 縮image最有效的方式是清除yum跟apt的cache. 所有package安裝動作跟cache清除要在一個run指令完成. 要不然一層塞滿垃圾的layer就完成了. 但是有的時候縮image好像不太重要, 例如我做了一個1.5G的image, 多個幾十MB就沒麼差別了(泣). 細節都在CMD Docker的環境跟單機執行的環境差異還蠻大的, 所以很多she...
$docker search --filter=stars=3--no-trunc busyboxNAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIALbusybox Busybox base image. 325 [OK]progrium/busybox 50radial/busyboxplus Full-chain, Internet enabled, busybox made from scratch. Comes in git and cURL flavors. 8 ...
solr8.11.1Solr security news sonarqube8.9.5, 9.2.2SonarQube announcement stormAwaiting infoAwaiting info Note Althoughxwikiimages may be detected as vulnerable by some scanners, the authors believe the images are not vulnerable by Log4j 2 CVE as the API jars do not contain the vulnerability. Th...
docker tag [ImageId][镜像版 本 号] docker push[镜像版本号] 具体命令如下: docker login --username=jincg_ear ...
solr SOLR_SOLR_HOST: "solr6" SOLR_SOLR_PORT: "8983" #Create the default alfresco and archive cores SOLR_CREATE_ALFRESCO_DEFAULTS: "alfresco,archive" SOLR_JAVA_MEM: "-Xms928m -Xmx928m" SOLR_OPTS: " -XX:NewSize=336m -XX:MaxNewSize=336m " volumes: - ./data/solr-data:...
image.png image.png 采用docker regist webui查看 编写一个 compose version: '3.1' services: # 容器私服仓库 registry-0: hostname: registry-0 container_name: registry-0 image: registry:latest ports: - "5000:5000" volumes: - "/home/java/registry:/var/lib/registry" ...
Docker安装Solr #下载镜像docker pull solr:7.5.0#启动solr容器docker run --name my-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t solr:7.5.0#访问solr后台在浏览器中打开http://localhost:8983/solr/#/,即可进入solr管理界面#新建solrCore新建solrCore,名称为mycore,执行:docker run --name my-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t...