安装步骤 官方安装:Win10安装Docker Toolbox 1、首先确认本机的CPU虚拟化功能已经打开,没有打开的需要在BISO进行开启 2、关闭Hyper 进入电脑的控制面板->程序->启用或关闭Windows功能->把Hyper-v勾选去掉,如果没有启用,不用进行此操作,关闭后需要重启电脑。 3、安装Docker Toolbox 安装完成后,会出现如下几个图标:...
其中,容器特性只有在 summer 2016 Windows 10 Anniversary Update(build 14393)版本或更高版 本上才能开启。当读者完成 Hyper-V 和容器特性的安装并重启机器之后,就可以安装 Windows 版 Docker 了。 1)访问 Docker 的下载(https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)页面,并单击其中的Download for Windows 按...
Windows10 上的Hyper-V简介:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/about/ [2] Windows 10 Hyper-V 系统要求:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/reference/hyper-v-requirements [3] Docker Desktop for Windows 安装包:https://www.docker.c...
Setup WSL 2 and download Debian Note This guide covers installation usingDebiandistribution. Rest of guide might not be suitable for you, if you decide to select different distribution. InWindows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10follow steps 1 to 5. SelectDebian GNU/Linuxdistrib...
Docker Desktop for Windows 需要运行 Microsoft Hyper-V。如果需要,Docker Desktop for Windows 安装程序会为您启用 Hyper-V,并重新启动计算机。 系统要求: Windows 10 64 位:专业版,企业版或教育版(Build 15063 或更高版本)。 在BIOS 中启用虚拟化(各个主板的 BIOS 的操作面板不同,可咨询主板商)。通常,默认情...
Docker for GitHub CopilotEA Docker Extensions Platform Administration Docker accounts Security Subscription Home/Manuals/Docker Desktop/Setup/Install/Windows Docker Desktop terms Commercial use of Docker Desktop in larger enterprises (more than 250 employees OR more than $10 million USD in annual revenue...
Setup Optimization Docker Compose Define and run multi-container applications with Docker. Overview Try Docker Compose Release notes Docker Hub Find and share container images and other artifacts. Overview Create an account Create a repository
在此处点击Download for Windows即可进行下载。 如果你的电脑是Windows 10 64位专业版的操作系统,则在安装 Docker 之前需要开启一下Hyper-V,开启方式如下。打开控制面板,选择程序: 点击启用或关闭Windows功能: 勾选上Hyper-V,点击确定即可: 完成更改后需要重启一下计算机。
I am trying to learn Dockers on my HP laptop that comes with Wi 10 Home OOTB. by installing it however disheartened by the opening lines at https://docs.docker.com/windows/step_one/that Virtualisation should be enabled. …
Host operating system: Windows Server, Windows 10 or Windows 11. For more information, see Windows containers requirements. Hypervisor: Windows 10 or Windows 11 must run Hyper-V to support containers; Windows Server, as shown in the table, has more flexibility. Mirantis Container...