sudo systemctl status docker.service错误提示: ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since 四 2019-08-15 09:43:22 CST; 21s ago Docs: https://docs.docker...
# ftp服务器的服务名是vsftpd,相关的操作如下: systenctl start vsftpd.service systemctl stop vsftpd.service # 停止服务 systemctl restart vsftpd.service # 重启服务 systemctl status vsftpd.service # 查看服务状态 systemctl enable vsftpd.service # 设置开机自启动vsftpd服务 systemctl disable vsftpd.service ...
Support from the unraid forums is . . . non existent. issue 2: So since the spaceinvader template hasn't been updated in a while, i figured i would install the official repo of the docker from dockerhub. After a bit of tinkering (not knowing exactly what i'm doing) i managed to ...
As long as your docker system service auto starts on boot and you run your container with--restart=unless-stoppedyour container should always start on boot and restart on crashes. If you prefer to have your docker container run as a systemd service instead, add the filepihole.serviceto "/e...
Unraid OS using app installer CONFIGURATION default plus database info and IP STEPS TO REPRODUCE Installing it at all. I have set my docker live check to 120s I have set debug to 5 and still have the issues on install. ...
Unraid Allow enabling experimental ip6tables option with Docker 20.10 Docker recently gained the option to also set IPv6 NAT rules to forward IPv6 traffic to containers: It is relatively easy to enable, but requires enabling experimental features. As a...
分享405 unraid吧 C罗隔壁 重新安装商店插件后无法更新DOCKER容器上个月U盘损坏,没有备份配置文件,于是重做了引导U盘,保存在硬盘里的数据和配置都还在,基本上正常使用 这两天心血来潮开始折腾,想把docker容器都更新一遍,然后提示了如下信息 在发现问题之前更新了系统,从6.11.5更新到6.12.2,更新6.12.2之后应用页无法...
I’m using this as a base My architecture is the following, I’m using docker compose in Unraid (probably not relevant) but what I want is I want to have this Nexcloud service based on the docker compose below in a VLAN…
网络上的 Traefik 教程大部分都是结合 docker compose、docker.sock 和 label 来配置,个人感觉在 unRAID 系统下不方便,所以本篇搭建教程主要采用 File 动态文件来配置。我在 unRAID 系统和 Jetson Nano 下都使用过 Traefik,下文将介绍使用 Docker 和编译好的可执行文件两种方式来搭建 Traefik 服务。
Host Port 1:* Container Port: 443容器内443端口对应宿主机unraid的端口。随便挑一个没被占用的,我用了1443 Host Path 2:* Container Path: /data填unraid序列里创建的一个用来存储nextcloud数据的共享文件夹,我的是/mnt/user/nextcloud APPLY启动,访问https://xx.xx.xx.xx:1443进入安装网页界面。(xx.xx.xx...