# docker tag docker.io/registry registry:cuishuai # docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /data/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:cuishuai 参数说明: -v /data/registry:/var/lib/registry:默认情况下,会将仓库存放于容器内的/var/lib/registry,注意新版本不在是默认放在/tmp/registry目录下,指定本地目录/...
docker registry的安装方式也很简单,docker公司已经把registry封装在一个docker容器中了,我们只需要下载这个容器,然后启动,就可以使用了,十分方便。但是,这样启动的方式,只能有一个registry,在稍大一点的集群中,单点故障和性能瓶颈问题就比较突出了,扩展成高可用的分布式结构势在必行,所以很多公司在优化registry方面做了很...
#这里的报错是因为:repository的名称不能是大写开头;修改为小写的panda重试:[root@localhost docker_study]# docker tag my_registry:latest localhost:5000/panda/my_registry:v1[root@localhost docker_study]# docker push localhost:5000/panda/my_registry:v1 The push refers to a repository[localhost:5000/pa...
The propertycredHelpersspecifies a set of credential helpers to use preferentially overcredsStoreorauthswhen storing and retrieving credentials for specific registries. If this property is set, the binarydocker-credential-<value>will be used when storing or retrieving credentials for a specific registry....
Find public Docker Hub images, local images, or images from remote repositories. Discover more about specific extensions and install them. Navigate through your volumes and gain insights about the associated containers. Search and access Docker's documentation. ...
仓库(Repository)和仓库注册服务器(Registry)是有区别的。仓库注册服务器上往往存放着多个仓 库,每个仓库中又包含了多个镜像,每个镜像有不同的标签(tag)。 仓库分为公开仓库(Public)和私有仓库(Private)两种形式 最大的公开仓库是 Docker Hub(https://hub.docker.com/),存放了数量庞大的镜像供用户下载。 国内的公...
search -- 通过命令行的方式从官方 hub 中查找镜像 stop / start -- 停止 或 启动一个或多个容器 stats -- 实时输出容器的资源使用情况 tag -- 从一个指定的镜像创建另一个镜像 top -- 显示指定容器的进程信息 update -- 更新一个或多个容器的配置 ...
~ docker save registry:2.7.1 >registry-2.7.1.tar #同时 docker load 可以把镜像从 tar 文件导入到 docker 中 ~ docker load < registry-2.7.1.tar 3. docker search 这个命令可以帮助你在命令行中方便的搜索 DockerHub 中的镜像,比如: ~ docker search nginx NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED ...
review the storage specific documentation for additional dependency or configuration instructions. Currently, we are aware of the following storage drivers: storage_path: Path on the filesystem where to store data Example: local:storage:filestorage_path:/mnt/registry ...
login Log in to a Docker registry logout Log out from a Docker registry logs Fetch the logs of a container pause Pause all processes within one or more containers port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container ps List containers ...