步骤一:打开“To Image”选项 (1) 首选打开Ghost工具,进入界面后,选择“Local”→“Disk”→“To Image”。 步骤二:选择源数据硬盘 (2)我们需要选择源数据硬盘,即原配320GB硬盘(Drive2,Size容量305245MB),并点击“OK”确认。 步骤三:选择源数据硬盘的所有分区(全盘镜像备份) (3)我们需要选择源数据硬盘的所有...
Loaded image: myimage:v1.0.0 We’re using gzip here to make the file on disk smaller but technically that’s an optional step. Using docker image save --output myimage.tar myimage:v1.0.0 works without gzip. The load command works the same in either case because internally it can ...
$docker save -o ubuntu.tar ubuntu:lucid ubuntu:saucy Save a specific platform (--platform) The--platformoption allows you to specify which platform variant of the image to save. By default,docker savesaves all platform variants that are present in the daemon's image store. Use the--platform...
Image tags added to Build results section under the Info tab. Improved efficiency of host-side disk utilization for fresh installations on Mac and Linux. Fixed a bug that prevented the Sign in enforcement popup to be triggered when token expires. Fixed a bug where containers would not be displ...
删除镜像的前提是没有使用这个镜像的容器,如果有需要先删除容器(报错:Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete 镜像ID (must be forced) - image is being used by stopped container 容器ID则代表有容器使用了此镜像。),可以尝试先执行docker rm 容器ID删除容器,如果还报错,可以看我下方删除容器...
A Dockerfile must be created with no extension. To do this in Windows, create the file with your editor of choice, then save it with the notation "Dockerfile" (including the quotes). DockerfileCopy # Sample Dockerfile# Indicates that the windowsservercore image will be used as the base ...
可以使用docker save和docker load命令来导入镜像和载出镜像 存出镜像(DOCKER SAVE): 如果要存储镜像到本地文件,可以使用docker save命令 语法: 保存镜像(载出镜像) Usage: docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...] Usage: docker save IMAGE > file|URL OPTIONS: --help=false Print usage -o,...
docker save -o my_image.tar my_image:tag 这会将名为my_image,标签为tag的镜像保存为一个tar文件。 Docker Registry:另一种方法是推送镜像到私有或公有Docker Registry(如Docker Hub、Harbor等)。这不仅可以作为备份手段,也便于分享和分发镜像。 docker push my_registry/my_image:tag ...
save:Optional.Place adocker saved image in the destination. rootfs:Optional.Place a.tarfile of the image in the destination. skip_download:Optional.Skipdocker pullof image. Artifacts based on the image will not be present. As with all concourse resources, to modify params of the implicitgetstep...
docker save保存的是镜像(image),docker export保存的是容器(container); docker load用来载入镜像包,docker import用来载入容器包,但两者都会恢复为镜像; docker load不能对载入的镜像重命名,而docker import可以为镜像指定新名称。 私有仓库 在Docker中,我们执行pull XXX某个镜像的时候,实际上它是从registry.hub.dock...