下面是在Docker中运行容器并指定working directory的步骤: 打开终端或命令提示符,并导航到项目的根目录。 运行以下命令以构建Docker镜像: dockerbuild-t<image-name>. 1. 上述命令中,<image-name>应替换为您想要为镜像指定的名称。 构建完成后,运行以下命令以在容器中运行镜像,并同时指定working directory: dockerrun...
--cgroupns string Cgroup namespace to use(host|private)'host': Run the container in the Docker host's cgroup namespace'private': Run the container in its own private cgroup namespace'': Use the cgroup namespace as configured by thedefault-cgroupns-mode option on thedaemon(default)--cidfi...
When setting the working directory viadocker run -w, if the directory doesn't exist in the image, it will be automatically created. However, it is always owned by root:root, regardless of the-uflag, which means the directory is unusable. Steps to reproduce the issue: docker run --rm -i...
但是楼主言之凿凿,然后我想到了compose文件其实是把docker run的命令行配置的另外一种形式,那么很有可能在docker run里面也有这个属性。 随手docker run --help一下,发现其中有条“-w, --workdir Working directory inside the container”参数。 果然,这是docker run的时候用来设置工作路径的参数。然后搜索compose中...
docker run -d --name nginx -v /opt/nginx:/opt/test:ro nginx -w --workdir string Working directory inside the container 指定容器的工作目录 -p 80:80 端口映射,前面为宿主机的端口,后面为容器服务进程端口,访问宿主机的80,最终会转发给容器的80端口,实现方式为iptables...
docker run-d--namenginx-v/opt/nginx:/opt/test:ro nginx 1. 在容器内不能操作 在容器外可以操作 -w --workdir string Working directory inside the container 指定容器的工作目录 -p 80:80 端口映射,前面为宿主机的端口,后面为容器服务进程端口,访问宿主机的80,最终会转发...
RUNapk update && apk add curl # Set the working directory WORKDIR/app # Copy the application file COPYapp.sh . # Set the entry point ENTRYPOINT["./app.sh"] 要构建映像,请使用以下命令: docker build -t my-image . Docker Compose
# Set the base image to useFROM alpine:3.7# Update the system and install packagesRUN apk update && apk add curl# Set the working directoryWORKDIR /app# Copy the application fileCOPY app.sh .# Set the entry pointENTRYPOINT ["./app.sh"] ...
Docker run :创建一个新的容器并运行一个命令 语法 docker run[OPTIONS]IMAGE[COMMAND][ARG...] OPTIONS说明: 01.[root@www ~]# docker run --help02. 03.Usage:dockerrun[OPTIONS]IMAGE[COMMAND][ARG...]04. 05.Run acommandina new container ...
RUN apk update && apk add curl # Set the working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy the application file COPY app.sh . # Set the entry point ENTRYPOINT ["./app.sh"] 要构建映像,请使用以下命令: docker build -t my-image . Docker Compose ...