-y, --yAssume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively Table of contents Description Options Product offeringsPricingAbout usSupportContribute Copyright © 2013-2025 Docker Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of ServiceStatusLegal ...
docker run--rm-v/srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register \--non-interactive \--executor"docker"\--docker-image alpine:latest \--url""\--registration-token"wgqg6_2Si-7RfgKbyYnL"\--description"20211028-register-runner"\--tag-list...
RUNgroupadd -r postgres&&useradd --no-log-init -r -g postgres postgres Note Consider an explicit UID/GID. Users and groups in an image are assigned a non-deterministic UID/GID in that the "next" UID/GID is assigned regardless of image rebuilds. So, if it’s critical, you should assi...
sudo docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always \ -v /home/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner\ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest 映射/var/run/docker.sock这个文件是为了让容器可以通过/var/run/docker.sock与Docker守护进程通信,管理...
docker run -it --rm -v /home/data/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register \ --non-interactive \ --url "" \ --registration-token "sNPXWNcFsqBrLXEVFNxi" \ --description "package-runner" \ --tag-list "mvn-package" \ --execu...
使用docker run -P自动绑定所有对外提供服务的容器端口,映射的端口将会从没有使用的端口池中 (49000..49900) 自动选择,你可以通过docker ps、docker inspect <container_id>或者docker port <container_id> <port>确定具体的绑定信息。 5.2 绑定端口到指定接口 基本语法 $ sudo docker run -p [([<host_interfac...
So, currently the workaround that we have agreed on is to run Docker Desktop using a (non-interactive) service account. We can tell that at that moment (before changing to a service account), the account running Docker Desktop appeared to be “Local System” on Windows Services...
docker exec-it gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register--non-interactive--executor"docker"--docker-image alpine:latest--url"https://xx.xx.com"--registration-token"RQxx7UtMssiWyzWqtUMr"--description""--tag-list"docker-runner,share-runner,"--run-untagged...
# Non-interactive modes get set back. ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND newt 备选方案 4:运行导出 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive 解决方案特点: 与备选方案 2 非常相似 通过解耦,凝聚力受到影响:为什么要导出这个变量以及它属于什么(apt-get)。 范围是 RUN 并且不会影响其他指令。 例子: # Set the frontend and then ...
The pom.xml and src folders are copied in as they are needed for the final RUN step that produces the app.jar application withmvn package. (The -e flag is to show errors and -B to run in non-interactive aka “batch” mode).