该命令将返回 Docker 的版本信息。如果没有输出,并出现 “command not found” 的错误,则需要安装 Docker。 步骤2: 更新 PATH 环境变量 如果Docker 已安装但依然出现 “command not found” 错误,可能是因为 Docker 的可执行文件不在系统的 PATH 环境变量中。可以按以下步骤添加 Docker 的安装路径: exportPATH=$...
FROMubuntu:20.04RUNapt-get update &&\apt-get install -y curl vimCMD["/bin/bash"] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4.3 使用Docker Compose 通过Docker Compose方便地定义和管理多容器应用,确保统一配置和环境一致性,可以减少“Command Not Found”的问题。 version:'3.8'services:web:image:ubuntu:20.04build:conte...
docker run, docker info, docker or any other basic command Actual behavior -bash: docker: command not found Information Docker for Mac: version: 1.13.1 (94675c5a7) macOS: version 10.11.6 (build: 15G1212) logs: /tmp/766F7CBC-0D8D-4BDB-9162-1BD2D1C7E19D/20170301-221015.tar.gz ...
没猜错应该是创建镜像时出现的问题吧。run 之后 exit 退出 再执行,不是在容器中执行的,docker build 也是在在外层执行的不是在容器中执行
解决jenkins构建时docker.command.not.found 前提查看 查看下面两个文件,如果宿主机没有,就不用跟着文档做了 [root@localhost ~]# ll /var/run/docker.sock srw-rw---. 1 root docker 0 5月 16 13:37 /var/run/docker.sock [root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# ll /usr/bin/docker -rwxr-xr...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44850565/docker-not-found-when-building-docker-image-using-docker-jenkins-container-pipel 需要将宿主机的docker环境变量映射 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ 参数多了使用docker-compose curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/...
1.zkServer.sh: command not found 此错误详细情况如下: root@iZuf6axmuekh1n14dwcufmZ:/usr/java/...
启动service docker start 测试docker run hello-world 镜像加速 vim /etc/docker/daemon.json { "registry-mirrors": ["https://alzgoonw.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } 保存退出, 重启docker systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker 2. 执行apt-add-repository提示command not found ...
This will install Docker of course, but not the Docker that you want. If you install it this way, then what you are installing is actually the GUI tool Docker, not the dev tool that you are looking for. As a result, you will get the command not found error when you try to run d...
复盘RNAseq自主分析课程内容,在生成gene length文件时,产生上述报错。 代码:RUN CMD: python /work/rnaseq_demo/my_rnaseq/scripts/get_gene_length_from_gtf.py -g Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.101.chromosome.22.gtf -p gene_length 报错:bash: RUN: command not found...