如Tomcat 容器内使用的端口 8081,则用 EXPOSE 命令可以告诉外界该容器的 8081 端口对外,在构建镜像时用 Docker run -p 可以设置暴露的端口对宿主机器端口的映射。 EXPOSE 8081 EXPOSE 8081 其实等价于 Docker run -p 8081 当需要把 8081 端口映射到宿主机中的某个端口(如8888)以便外界访问时,则可以用 Docker ...
RUN [ "sh", "-c", "echo $HOME" ] EXPOSE 用于为容器暴露端口到外部,用于实现通讯,类似于docker run的-p选项 语法: EXPOSE <port> [<port>/<protocol>...] 解释: port:端口 protocol:协议,可以是udp或tcp,默认tcp 示例: EXPOSE 8080 EXPOSE 8080/udp 8088/tcp 不管EXPOSE设置是什么,都可以通过使用-...
docker network create my-network docker run --network=my-network --expose 80 my-service-a docker run --network=my-network --expose 80 my-service-b 在这个示例中,my-service-a 和my-service-b 容器都暴露了80端口,并且它们都连接到了 my-network 网络。这样,一个服务就可以通过容器名和端口号访问...
RUN node -v && npm install && npm i ts-node-dev -D && npm i --save puppeteer && npm i --save images #EXPOSE 暴露端口,以后在docker run 的时候用-p EXPOSE 3000 #CMD 容器内运行指令 CMD ["npm", "run", "prepared"] CMD ["npx", "vite", "serve","--host", ""] 5.2 ...
Docker - Expose a port In order to access the nginx from our workstation, we would need to expose the port 80 from within the nginx container to our workstation. Run the nginx container once more, but now, we would need to ensure we expose port 80 of our nginx container to our work...
$ docker run -t -i --mount type=bind,src=/data,dst=/data busybox sh Publish or expose port (-p, --expose) $ docker run -p nginx:alpine This binds port 8080 of the container to TCP port 80 on of the host. You can also specify udp and sct...
$ docker run -t -i --mount type=bind,src=/data,dst=/data busybox sh Publish or expose port (-p, --expose) $ docker run -p nginx:alpine This binds port 8080 of the container to TCP port 80 on of the host. You can also specify udp and sct...
docker run 代码语言:javascript 复制 Usage:docker run[OPTIONS]IMAGE[COMMAND][ARG...] -a 代码语言:javascript 复制 -a,--attach=[]Attach toSTDIN,STDOUTorSTDERR 如果在执行run命令时没有指定-a,那么docker默认会挂载所有标准数据流,包括输入输出和错误。你可以特别指定挂载哪个标准流。
# 格式: EXPOSE <port> [<port>...] # 示例: EXPOSE 80 443 EXPOSE 8080 EXPOSE 11211/tcp 11211/udp # 注:"EXPOSE" 并不会让容器的端口访问到主机。如果想使得容器与宿主机的端口有映射关系,要使其可访问,需要在" docker run" 运行容器时通过"-p" 来发布这些端口,或通过"-P" 参数来发布" EXPOSE"...
What is docker expose port? Learn what it is, how it works, and how to use it to allow apps to talk to your Docker container during software development.