The workaround for this is to disable Compose Bridge in the Experimental settings tab, apply the change with Apply & restart, then re-enable and select Apply & restart again. There is a known issue when authenticating against a registry in the Docker CLI (docker login [registry address]) ...
但在公司电脑的浏览器上访问 上的dify服务时, ollama 的模型在dify中一直添加失败。 最后意识到应该是 代理的问题,就对 docker-compose.yaml做了如下修改: ... services: # API service api: image: langgenius/dify-api:0.7.1restart: always environment: # Use the shared environment varia...
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production. - dify/docker/
--restart="no", 指定容器停止后的重启策略: no:容器退出时不重启 on-failure:容器故障退出(返回值非零)时重启 always:容器退出时总是重启 --rm=false, 指定容器停止后自动删除容器(不支持以docker run -d启动的容器) --sig-proxy=true, 设置由代理接受并处理信号,但是SIGCHLD、SIGSTOP和SIGKILL不能被代理 A...
1.安装以及使用: # 安装 (添加用户名密码,见下面) sudo mkdir/opt/docker/registry sudo docker run-itd --privileged=true--restart=always -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true\--name sea_docker_registry -p5000:5000-v /opt/docker/registry:/var/lib/registry registry ...
1、增加国内镜像永久生效 [root@master ~]# vi /etc/docker/daemon.json [root@master ~]# cat /etc/docker/daemon.json...{ "registry-mirrors": [""] } [root@master ~]# 2、重启Docker [root@master...~]# systemctl restart docker 3、加速测试 [root@master ~...
vefify_remote_cert:打开或关闭,默认打开。此标志决定了当Harbor与远程register实例通信时是否验证 SSL/TLS 证书。 将此属性设置为 off将绕过SSL/TLS 验证,这在远程实例具有自签名或不可信证书时经常使用。 另外,默认情况下,Harbor将镜像存储在本地文件系统上。在生产环境中,可以考虑使用其他存储后端而不是本地文件...
restart: always environment: # Use the shared environment variables. <<: *shared-api-worker-env # Startup mode, 'api' starts the API server. MODE: api SENTRY_DSN: ${API_SENTRY_DSN:-} SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE: ${API_SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE:-1.0} SENTRY_PROFILES_SAMPLE_RATE...
使用 /etc/docker/daemon.json(Linux) 或者%programdata%\docker\confifig\daemon.json(Windows) 来配置 Daemon请在该配置文件中加入...Use 启动Docker [root@centos ~]# sudo systemctl stop docker [root@centos ~]# sudo systemctl start docker...[root@centos ~]# sudo systemctl restart docker 查看...