docker remove image its name (1) docker remove 已退出的容器 - Shell-Bash (1) Docker remove images without tag - Shell/Bash 如果你在使用Docker时,曾经创建了许多没有tag的镜像,并且想要删除这些镜像以释放磁盘空间,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的。 什么是Docker? Docker是一种容器编排工具,用于创建,部署...
docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q) 该命令将会移除所有无标签镜像,其中-q选项将只返回镜像ID,方便后续进行移除操作。 如果只想移除某个无标签镜像,可以使用镜像ID进行移除: docker rmi <image_id> 自动移除无标签镜像 为了避免无标签镜像不断堆积造成系统崩溃,我们可以添加一个定时任务,定期进行...
docker image prune removes all dangling images (those with tag none). docker image prune -a would also remove any images that have no container that uses them. The difference between dangling and unused images is explained in this stackoverflow thread. Share Improve this answer Follow answered...
可以使用-f参数,强制删除,但是不推荐。 可以使用以下命令批量删除没有tag的镜像: docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) docker Image Prune 此命令会把所有未使用的镜像进行删除(Remove unused images),慎用! docker image prune
[root@10 demo-dockerfile]# docker loginLogin with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.Username: 10856214Password: WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/co...
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE<none><none>1f508f2fd37a2minutes ago5.57MB 1. 2. 删除Docker None Images dockerrmi-f$(dockerimages-f"dangling=true"-q) 1. 总结 Docker None Images 是无用的、被标记为none的镜像。它们占用了磁盘空间,并且可能导致镜像仓库混乱。及时删除 Docker None Images 是管...
docker images -q 操作示例: [root@cxypa ~]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE [root@cxypa ~]# 效果说明: 可以看到,当前系统中没有任何镜像。 在Centos 7中镜像都是存储在/var/lib/docker目录下 docker search 搜索镜像 命令说明: ...
docker-compose down --remove-orphans # 确保容器镜像存在 cat .env | grep _IMAGE | cut -d '=' -f2 | while read image ; do if test -z "$(docker images -q $image)"; then echo "prepare docker images." docker pull $image fi ...
If an image has multiple tags, using this command with the tag as a parameter only removes the tag. If the tag is the only one for the image, both the image and the tag are removed. This does not remove images from a registry. You cannot remove an image of a running container ...
In the process of running docker I had accumulated several images that are not tagged. To remove these I use this command: docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}") This works by using rmi with a list of image ids. To get the image ids we calldocker imag...