root@nctest-snap-test-02 ~]# docker volume pruneWARNING! This will remove all local volumes not used by at least one container. Are you sure you want to continue?[y/N] y Deleted Volumes: e220820b8eb9dfb4326bc3fb19e86f3c64a911c0a571e11b5a3a255565832c59 f6ec74bd8f086eec852d69547a...
If another container binds the volumes with--volumes-from, the volume definitions arecopiedand the anonymous volume also stays after the first container is removed. Remove all volumes To remove all unused volumes and free up space: $docker volume prune ...
通过命令能够快速的删除所有的未被使用的对象,包括镜像、容器、网络和存储卷。在docker 17.06.0之前,存储卷会同时被清理。在docker 17.06.1之后,需要通过设置–volumes字段,才会同时清理存储卷。$ docker system pruneWARNING!This will remove:- all stopped containers- all networks not used by at least on...
在docker 17.06.1之后,需要通过设置–volumes字段,才会同时清理存储卷。 $ docker system prune WARNING! This will remove: - all stopped containers - all networks not used by at least one container - all dangling images - all build cache Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y 如果所使用...
Delete All Images 删除所有图像 强制删除具有附加卷的所有图像(Delete All Images Forcibly with Attached Volumes) If there are some issues while deleting docker images and volumes we may need to force them for removal. We will use-foption to for remove all docker images and containers. We will ...
docker system prune命令是修剪镜像、容器和网络的快捷方式。默认情况下不会删除卷,因此您必须在docker system prune命令当中使用--volumes来删除它们。 $ docker system prune WARNING! This will remove: - all stopped containers - all networks not used by at least one container ...
通过docker system prune命令能够快速的删除所有的未被使用的对象,包括镜像、容器、网络和存储卷。在docker 17.06.0之前,存储卷会同时被清理。在docker 17.06.1之后,需要通过设置–volumes字段,才会同时清理存储卷。 $ dockersystemprune WARNING!This will remove:-allstopped containers-allnetworksnotusedbyatleastoneco...
If you want to remove not just the dangling images, but also all unused images and stopped containers, you can add the -a flag to the command: docker system prune –a Removing Volumes In this section we will show you how to remove Docker Volumes. ...
WARNING!Thiswill remove:-all stopped containers-all networksnotusedbyat least one container-all volumesnotusedbyat least one container-all dangling images-all build cacheAreyou sure you want tocontinue?[y/N]y Copy 删除Docker容器 停止使用Docker容器时,不会自动删除它们,除非使用--rm标志启动容器。
docker system prune命令是修剪镜像,容器,和网络的快捷方式。在Docker 17.06.0及更早版本中,卷也被修剪。在Docker 17.06.1及更高版本中,必须为docker system prune指定修剪卷的--volumes标志。 $ docker system prune WARNING!Thiswillremove:-all stopped containers-all networks not used by at least one contain...