针对你遇到的错误 docker: error response from daemon: error creating temporary lease: read-only file system: unknown,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认Docker守护进程状态: 首先,确保Docker守护进程正在运行。你可以使用以下命令来检查Docker守护进程的状态: bash systemctl status docker 如果Docker守护...
步骤一:创建 Dockerfile 首先,你需要创建一个 Dockerfile,它是用来构建 Docker 镜像的文件。在 Dockerfile 中,你可以定义构建镜像所需的所有操作和配置。 请打开你喜欢的文本编辑器,并创建一个名为 Dockerfile 的文件。 步骤二:复制系统时区文件到镜像中 在Dockerfile 中,你需要将宿主机的系统时区文件复制到镜像中...
那就只有可能是linux文件系统的问题了 二 解决方法 百度一下... 不用百度 我直接把docker停了,切个root用户再次启动即可 $ systemctl stop docker $ su $ systemctl start docker 三 也有可能是服务器垃圾,docker启动了,但是docker操作不成功,也是这个报错 这就不是人力可以解决了 要用钱! 叫公司换服务器 ps....
如下为结果,其中前提是docker中的ubuntu容器默认用户是root,所以该权限已经拿到了可支持的最高。 root@83bae805ed89:/home# service docker start mkdir: cannot create directory 'cpuset': Read-only file system 原因:两中错误可能 ,一是系统挂载失败 ,二是权限不足。 对于问题一:可以重新挂载 先通过mount查看...
rootfs (root file system) 包含的就是典型 Linux 系统中的/dev,/proc,/bin,/etc 等标准目录和文件。传统的 Linux 加载 bootfs 时会先将 rootfs 设为 read-only,然后在系统自检之后将 rootfs 从 read-only 改为 read-write,然后我们就可以在 rootfs 上进行读写操作了。如下如所示...
端口范围的配置并没有生效。进入容器,发现文件被正常挂载了。于是手动执行一下,报错如下: bash-5.0$ sudo sysctl -p sysctl: error setting key 'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range': Read-only file system sysctl: error setting key 'fs.file-max': Read-only file system sysctl: error setting key 'fs.nr...
mkdir [folder]: read-only file system [docker read only file system issue] Before reinstalling Docker,you would first need to remove Docker from snap as follows: snap remove docker Read:How to solve docker: Got permission denied Error
Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder': mkdir /usr/local/share/dotnet: read-only file system. Am I missing something here? It may be worth mentioning that on my machine, I can rundockercommands withoutsudo ...
My /var/lib/docker is actually mounted as a btrfs subvolume. But I could dobtrfs subvolume deleteeither, it gives the same read-only file system error. Downgrading docker didn't help, and docker daemon wouldn't run at all, it just quits without much warning. Here's from the docker up...
You can mount a volume as read-only, but that would not affect removing the volume. If the volume could not be deleted, that probably means that the filesystem on which the volume is stored became read-only for some reasons. Docker could not prevent it. It just uses the “backing file...