$ docker imagesREPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZEfeiben/nginx 1.17.5 f949e7d76d63 2 weeks ago 126MBnginx latest f949e7d76d63 2 weeks ago 126MB复制代码 1. 将自己的镜像推送到 Docker Hub $ docker push feiben/nginx:1.17.5The push refers to repository [docker.io/feiben/nginx]509a5ea4...
[root@localhost ~]# docker push Using default tag: latest The push refers to repository [] Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 原因是没加版本号 只需:docker push ...
推送镜像仓库 docker push <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag> docker push xiao/tomcat docker push xiao/tomcatUsing default tag: latestThe push refers to repository [docker.io/xiao/tomcat]69421fc728fb: Preparing 1f6217f0c2bb: Preparing aa9c3f9fafec: Preparing 7d4a4cd414a9: Preparing 74ddd0ec08f...
The push refers to repository [] Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) 解决办法就是尝试和docker进行ping,可以判断是否可以通,属于同一个网段 docker ps -a 一/docker ...
docker push mingchengnet/aastore:dev docker tag 后面的aastore.productcatalog.api:dev是你要上传的本地镜像。mingchengnet(账号名称)/aastore(仓库名称):dev(起的新镜像名称) 成功提示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 The push refers to repository[docker.io/mingchengnet/aastore]cd7e3f7827e5:Pushedbf4376f176...
# docker push starb/webapp:v1.1 The push refers to a repository [docker.io/newtag/webapp] 5f70bf18a086: Preparing 再进入你的dockerHub个人页面 有了刚才push的镜像。 可以把自己的 5.把镜像设置为私有 私有需要登录之后才能拉取,免费的账号私有仓库只能是一个,公共仓库无限制。
然后就可以使用docker push上传标记的镜像: $ docker push The push refers to repository [] 373a30c24545: Pushed a9148f5200b0: Pushed cdd3de0940ab: Pushedfc56279bbb33: Pushed b38367233d37: Pushed ...
# docker push starb/webapp:v1.1 The push refers to a repository [docker.io/newtag/webapp] 5f70bf18a086: Preparing 再进入你的dockerHub个人页面 有了刚才push的镜像。 可以把自己的 5.把镜像设置为私有 私有需要登录之后才能拉取,免费的账号私有仓库只能是一个,公共仓库无限制。
docker push xiao/tomcat Using default tag: latest The push refers to repository [docker.io/xiao/tomcat] 69421fc728fb: Preparing 1f6217f0c2bb: Preparing aa9c3f9fafec: Preparing 7d4a4cd414a9: Preparing 74ddd0ec08fa: Preparing denied: requested access to the resource is denied ...
Thepush refers to repository[docker.io/myrepo/myimage]d1e017099d17:Pushed1.0:digest:sha256:12345abcdef...size:1234 推送镜像到自定义注册表 1、登录到自定义注册表 docker login myregistry.com 2、构建一个镜像 docker build-t myregistry.com/myrepo/myimage:mytag. ...