docker push 命令时遇到 "invalid reference format" 错误,这通常意味着你提供的镜像名称或标签格式不正确。下面我将根据提示逐一排查并提供解决方案: 1. 检查 docker push 命令的格式 docker push 命令的基本格式如下: bash docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST] 其中,NAME 是镜像的名称,TAG 是可选的...
docker pull 制品库 docker pull invalid reference format,说明原来使用过各种方法装过CUDA环境,最简单的显然是在本机装好驱动后直接拉取支持gpu的docker镜像,然后开始使用。内容小插曲:先是运行的好好的,碰到一个问题。之前应用显卡的程序还在跑,我看到这个提示以后
然后是上面Docker菜单下的Docker Registry 这里要注意, 地址不要带https, 虽然写上https://也能显示connect success, 但是后面pull和push的时候会显示docker: invalid reference format的问题. 二. 操作push和pull build 方法一: 直接使用idea的docker模板 打开上面的编译配置, 找到docker模板, 如果不需要直接deploy部署...'docker run -it --name ’ + container_name + ’ --rm -v ’ + mount_dir + ':/shared/vvc ’ + '–privileged -p 2210:2210 -p 8010:8010 ’ + image_to_run, shell=True) # Not Working -and also throws Error : docker: invalid reference format.'dock...
1docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase. 2See 'docker run --help'. bash docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase How to fix - docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase? The simplest way to fix the issue by ...
Fixed a bug where the Push to Docker Hub action in the Images view would result in an invalid tag format error. Fixes docker/for-win#14258. Fixed an issue where Docker Desktop startup failed when ICMPv6 setup was not successful. Added drivers that allow USB/IP to work. Fixed a bug in...
This is the error I get: Step 1/10 : FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS buildenv Error parsing reference: "microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS buildenv" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format Build step 'Execute shell'...
Fixed a bug where the Push to Docker Hub action in the Images view would result in an invalid tag format error. Fixes docker/for-win#14258. Fixed an issue where Docker Desktop startup failed when ICMPv6 setup was not successful. Added drivers that allow USB/IP to work. Fixed a bug in...
我正在尝试使用从AS使用的多步Dockerfile,但是当我在Jenkins作业中运行Dockerfile时,我得到一个错误 FROM node:8.12.0-alpine AS firstStepreference: "node:8.12.0-alpine AS firstStep" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference formatDockerfile是这样的: FROM node:8.12.0-alpine ...
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.