Chuxel commented Oct 26, 2022 • edited Yeah, I think this is related, but what I am seeing is => resolve image config for is taking a massive amount of time even when everything is cached locally. Last run was 92.1s for this one step. Removing "...
BUT this only works if I log in again every time I want to pull an image I've never pulled before. If I log in, pull one (which will be instant), and then try to pull another, I get the delay. But if I write a one liner like docker login; docker pull python:3.4; docker lo...
I retract that it has to do with the docker client. It has to do with the DNS resolver in Ubuntu 18 (my system). I started noticing some requests taking a long time in Postman for something else and that’s when I realized that DNS lookup was taki...
Docker images are immutable. Building an image is taking a snapshot of that image at that moment. That includes any base images, libraries, or other software you use in your build. To keep your images up-to-date and secure, make sure to rebuild your image often, with updated dependencies...
I retract that it has to do with the docker client. It has to do with the DNS resolver in Ubuntu 18 (my system). I started noticing some requests taking a long time in Postman for something else and that’s when I realized that DNS lookup was taking...
Docker images are immutable. Building an image is taking a snapshot of that image at that moment. That includes any base images, libraries, or other software you use in your build. To keep your images up-to-date and secure, make sure to rebuild your image often, with updated dependencies...
If your builds are taking long, we recently added support to analyze kaniko function calls using Slow Jam To start profiling, Add an environment variable STACKLOG_PATH to your pod definition. If you are using the kaniko debug image, you can copy the file in the pre-stop container lifecycle...
When creating your own images, you will need to decide which base image to start from. There are a lot of choices, and itâs worth taking the time to understand the various advantages and disadvantages of each. The best case scenario is that you donât need to create ...
You can set the build context to the parent Code directory and then access everything, but it turns out that with a large number of repositories, this can result in the build taking a long time. An example situation could be that another team maintains a database schema in Repo1 and you...
git clone cd nso-docker git remote add upstream git pull upstream master During the pull, if automatic merging is not possible, the merge will abort and give you the opportunity to sort out the confli...